1: Hot

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Author's Note:

This fanfiction was originally written in the comments of "I Tried To Hate You (But Somewhere Along The Line I Fell In Love)" by ThatWinchesterGirl67. This is a part of a new series called "Guess Who's Crushing On Addison Montgomery?" - A series of vaguely interlinked one-shots-ish of Meredith Grey's Addison Montgomery-Shaped-Panic. Many of these snippets were originally written as comment responses on another story, and I will say what these are in the author's notes at the end. I encourage you after reading this, to leave some support & comments if you will, and then to head over to check out the original work that inspired it and give that author/those authors some love :). Thanks all! And Happy Father's Day!



Meredith Grey has a fever, Addison Montgomery helps.

Chapter 1: Hot

In a conversation with ThatWinchesterGirl67: Lol walking into a wall. Maybe I'll have to write some more of Meredith Grey's Addison Montgomery-Shaped-Panic and Addison being all sweet and caring and knowing.

Meredith Grey currently has an extremely powerful and inappropriate crush on the most powerful and inappropriate person (for Meredith to be crushing on, that is, of course)- Addison Adrianne Forbes Montgomery... And she's not doing a great job at hiding it.

Meredith's face is currently at full flush and she's starting to sweat at her palms and she thinks that she's super dizzy.

Meredith decides to herself she really should be sitting down right now, and she decides this because she feels feverish because Addison Montgomery looked at her today during surgery and her smile made her melt like an ice cream sandwich in June.

Meredith is hot.

She's not thinking that about herself, either.

She's hot because she's thinking about how damn hot Addison is, and that makes her feel so damn sweltering she's sure she's going to have a heart attack before she turns thirty.


Mer being like "Hot," is now the cause for utter alarm.

And just her luck, the cause of her racing pulse right now is racing towards her (well, actually walking, but to Meredith, it seems like she's racing), at breakneck speed.

Addison Forbes Montgomery is walking towards Meredith Grey in her six-inch high heels and pencil skirt and Meredith swears she can see a bit down Addison's shirt when the taller redhead leans over and asks her what's wrong while she's panting and seems to be suffering greatly.

"I have a fever," says Meredith pointedly.

Meredith is proud of herself for not stuttering too, too, hard.

Addison is so caring and sweet though, that even though Meredith had fucked her husband she's all like "oh, your poor thing, your forehead does seem warm," and then Addison is TOUCHING HER and Meredith just reddens further.

"H-Hot," Meredith stumbles.

Okay, so her brief accomplishment of not stuttering is no longer a thing.

"Mm, I know, you are quite hot... Why don't you lie down and I'll get some Gatorade and you can rest for a while? Actually the hallway is not a good place let me carry you to an on-call room is that okay?"

Addison actually offers to fucking hold her and cradle her and nurse her back to health and Meredith does not have the heart or the willpower to turn this wonderful woman down.

Meredith nods dumbly and Addison lifts her up under the knees and at the shoulders and onto a spare bed.

"How does that feel?" Meredith can feel her pulse racing and she's hyperventilating because Addison is strong and carrying her and she doesn't want to let go yet.

"Do you want me to stay?" Addison asks Meredith who is clinging to her white coat.

"Ah-" Meredith doesn't want to burden Addison even if she does want her to stay.

"I'll stay. It's no problem," says Addison.

They're alone in this on-call room now and it feels like just the two of them up against the damn world.

What more could one ever ask for? One hot, and leggy fabulous person who brings sick interns Gatorade and carries them and helps them sleep during the daytime!?

"Here you rest too," offers Meredith, and Addison nods and lays down beside her. "You're gonna catch a real cold without blankets," Mer tucks Addison under the covers.

Mer lays down, and Addison snuggles into her.

"Are you really sick?" Addison asks. "It's okay if you are, but-"

"Ah. I've got a fever. But like not in a sick way- You know that song, "Fever" by Peggy Lee? It's like that kind of fever, like 'you'll never know how much I love you, you'll never know how much I care, but when you put your arms around me, it's a fever that's hard to bear, you give me fever," Meredith explains, while singing the song parts aloud to Addison.

"Ah, I see. My ex-husband giving you hot flashes? I get that. I mean I married him once. I guess I won't fight you for him now that I'm not married anymore."

"N-no it's not Derek," says Meredith. Because it isn't. At all.

"Finn?" Asks Addison.

"Nope," says Meredith. Because it isn't, at all, either.

"But then- who would it be?" Asks Addison, surprised at both of Meredith's previous admissions.

"I'm tired and I have a fever. Can I just sleep and you can just sleep?" Asks Meredith.

"Oh, yeah of course sorry to pry," says Addison.

"Thanks," says Meredith, laying down again as Addison tucks into her.

They stay like this for a while.


Fever, by Peggy Lee:


Never know how much I love you
Never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me
I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever (you give me fever) when you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight (you give me fever)
Fever in the mornin'
Fever all through the night

Sun lights up the day time
Moon lights up the night
I light up when you call my name
'Cause I know you're gonna treat me right
You give me fever (You give me fever) when you kiss me
Fever when you hold me tight (You give me fever)
Fever in the mornin'
Fever all through the night (Wow!)

Author's Note 2:

The link to the original version of this text is here: /works/24797041/chapters/59968651

Alternatively, it can be found by searching "I Tried To Hate You (But Somewhere Along The Line I Fell In Love)" by ThatWinchesterGirl67, on Ao3; Archive Of Our Own, and reading it somewhere in the comments...

Hope you enjoyed part 1 of this little mini-series. Leave a note about what you liked most about it. And take care!

If you'd like to read another one of my stories about Meredith high-key on Addison in the meantime as I work on these things, feel free to check out: Prom?



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