4: Dance

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Fever 4

"Help!" Meredith Grey drags Cristina outside the door of Joe's bar.

"Mer, are you alright!?" says Cristina.

"I have a burning raging fever," says Meredith.

"Okay, do you need some antibiotics?" says Cristina, shrugging.

"No! Not that kind of fever! The kind that gives you chills and warmth all over!" says Meredith.

"So, you're having cold sweats. Should I be getting you some Pedialyte here?" says Cristina.

"No! I mean the kind that's brought on by someone, not some bacteria!" says Meredith.

"Oh, so you're just having another panic about McDreamy, now that, I have no solution for," the raven-haired woman smirks.

"Not McDreamy!" says Meredith. "This is so, so, SO, much worse!" says Meredith.

"What could be worse than Derek?" says Cristina.

"Nothing!" says Meredith. "Or, so I thought! And now this! And help, because I'm hot all over!" says Meredith.

"Do you want some ice?" says Cristina.

"Yes? No? I don't know, I just have to get out of here!" Meredith yells.

"Okay, do you want me to get you a getaway car then? Because I think I'm too drunk to drive one," says Cristina.

"Alrighty, then just help me hide from Dr. Montgomery," offers Meredith

"You're now afraid of Derek's ex-wife?" Questions Cristina.

"Hey, don't fucking judge me, okay!?" says Meredith.

"Is this about-" Cristina starts, but Meredith covers her mouth over with her hand.

"Shhh- Cristina!" Meredith shout-whispers. "I'm hiding," says Meredith.

"Okay then... But you SO owe me," Cristina laughs.

As the evening progresses, Meredith expects Addison to start singing again, but then when she doesn't, she starts to feel bored and restless.

"Okay, can you check to see if she's there!? I want to go in again, but I can't have her staring at me!" says Meredith.

"You realize this is sort of pathetic right?" says Cristina.

"Come ON, Cristina!" says Meredith. "I'd do it for you!" she offers.

"I'm not avoiding Burke at a bar, but okay," says Cristina.

"Ha! But you were! So this is the pot calling the kettle black here!" says Meredith triumphantly.

"Yeah but I have a reason to avoid Burke, we're in a tumultuous relationship. You and the she-Satan, you're not dating each other, so there's no reason for you to be this freaked out over seeing her!" Grumbles Cristina.

"Right.." Meredith sighs, her face flushing red as an apple when Cristina accidentally put the idea of her dating Addison Montgomery inside of her skull.

"Alright, so next time you have to avoid someone you're actually dating, let me know, and THEN we can be even," her best friend supplies her.

(Though Meredith imagines that if she were actually dating Addison, then she'd be doing the very opposite of avoiding her).

"Alright," says Meredith. "Is the coast clear!?" she asks her.

"Yep," says Cristina, while popping the 'p,' the hallway is distinctively Montgomery-less, she offers.

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