3: Voice

757 36 25

Fever 3

As it turns out, Addison Montgomery is a pretty good singer.

Or, at least, Mark and Alex and Derek seem to think so.

And this REALLY pisses Meredith Grey off like nothing else.

"Her high notes ring out well," Izzie shrugs, and Meredith growls at her.

"I KNOW," says Meredith. "And how come this doesn't bother you?" Meredith inquired, pointing subtly with her hand towards Karev staring with his mouth agape at the redhead.

"Alex and I are taking a break, he's free to do whatever he wants," Izzie says easily.

"So you're not annoyed he's staring at Addison like a hungry animal?" Meredith grumbles.

"Nah, I like to see him getting along with the bros," Izzie offers.

And that, he certainly is.

Alex guffaws along with Mark and Derek when Addison squeaks and misses a word, and it takes everything in Meredith not to go over and smack them all.

"She's pretty, don't you think?" George grins at her, and this time Meredith doesn't resist, and she swats George very gently on the shoulder.

"She's fabulous! And it's totally unfair," Meredith huffs, and George pats her on the shoulder with a 'there, there,' motion.

"Yeah, guess it sucks that McDreamy and McDreamy are checking her out again, huh," George tries to empathize, and this time Cristina swats him.

"Okay Bambi, you can't just say that to a woman. No wonder you're not getting any," Cristina offers, and Meredith nods at her best friend in approval.

"Okay but I was just trying to relate-" George tries.

"Mmkay," says George, "I'll get another round of drinks then?" He asks politely.

"There you go!" Says Cristina approvingly as he scampers off to the bar.

Meanwhile, Addison continues with her rendition of a really old rock song, and Meredith can't help but keep swooning at it.

"Hey, seriously though, what's up with you Mer? You're all silent and staring, it's sort of scary?" Says Cristina.

"Mm?" Meredith says absently as she continues to watch, mesmerized by the way Addison's lips move as she keeps going on with her kareoke.

"What's up with you these days? You've been all out of it since that time I found you asleep in that on-call room. You said you had a fever and you've never been the same ever since. Have you gotten bitten by an animal or something? Did you catch some rare disease from a patient?!" Cristina continues.

"Shhh!" Meredith whines at Cristina. "I'm trying to listen!" She whisper-shouts at her co-twisted sister.

"Okay, I rest my case. You've definitely caught something strange," offers Cristina before she turns back around in her chair.

And Meredith doesn't answer as her mind flows on with fantasies of Dr. Montgomery continuing to sing her song right into her ear.

"And this one, this one is for someone special," Addison begins at the beginning of her next set.

She's gotten such rave reviews that the others had wanted her to continue, and had clapped her an encore.

"I need a drink," Meredith sighs as she heads over to the bar counter, as her friends nod at her.

"Another one, Joe," Meredith says as she sits down just for a minute on the bar stool.

"Drinking to drown your sorrows again?' Joe offers graciously.

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