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A/N: Hello everyone!! I'm sorry for the long absence. Work's been hectic lately, and Writer's Block is a bitch and a half. Rest assured, I'm still working on Robin's Nest, Viridian and Swan Dive, so look forward to that.

I've had this oneshot written for a couple of months, now, and figured it might be a good apology fic for the long absence. I've also got another oneshot (possibly multi-chaptered fic, I haven't decided yet) that I may or may not post later.

If you've got fanart for any of my stories, feel free to email me at ^^

And if you want to send me stuff, I've set up a PO Box. ^^ Send it to

K.R. Starktower 40960 California Oaks Rd #347 Murrieta, CA, 92562

I'm also just going to put this out there: I'm LGBTQ+ friendly, and support BLM. If you don't like that, then don't read my stuff. People are people and all lives matter. Even if I somewhat enjoy killing off my characters in my stories.

Also, I made a gofundme for shits and giggles a while back under the name Aizawa Shouta for coffee. If you want, it's still there (I think). An author cannot have enough coffee, after all.

Without further ado... enjoy~


Aizawa sighed as he logged into the server. Goddamned Coronavirus. It shut everything down, and he still had to get up at the asscrack of dawn to teach. Heroes still had to patrol, so he was just as exhausted as before. At least he could stay home when he taught, now. But now he was responsible for all his students' lessons. Not just homeroom.

God, I hate this. At least I could nap beforehand.

"Morning everyone." He said as he curled up in the softest blanket in the house. He hadn't bothered climbing out of bed. His students had been a little weirded out at first when he hadn't been wearing his Capture Weapon, but they'd grown used to it.

Honestly, their first 'lesson' had been more of a tour of everyone's bedrooms. As usual, Iida was the first one on. The others trickled in soon after until he had nearly everyone. Someone had to actually call Aoyama because he'd overslept, and the boy logged in without showing his face.

"My hair's a disaster! I can't let you see me like this." He insisted.

Aizawa sighed. Whatever. As long as his students were all present and accounted for. He started their lesson while talking around his first cup of coffee. This was their second week of video lessons, and they were all starting to hate it. No practical lessons meant a lot of pent up energy. But, Aizawa had recently gotten permission from Nezu and the Heroics Board to 'intern' his students.

"I've got an important announcement." He spoke up, and they all turned their attention to him (and away from their phones and notebooks and videogame consoles that he knew they were messing with beyond the camera's view.) "I've recently gotten permission to take some of you out on patrol with me. If you're interested in working on practical skills and not falling behind on that aspect, then please e-mail me by tomorrow night. I'll write up a schedule and we'll start rotations. Please keep in mind that I patrol at night. My shifts start at 9PM, and end at 5AM. You will be expected to attend lessons normally even after patrol. If I can manage it every night, you can manage it for one."

The kids started chattering excitedly, and he noticed Midoriya in particular perk up at the prospect of going out. "Will it be like an actual internship?"

"Yes, Midoriya. Which means you can engage so long as I am with you." He sent his Problem Child a glare.

"Can we sign up for more than once a week?!" He bounced in his desk chair, and the teacher idly wondered if it was going to break soon. It sounded like it wanted to.

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