t w e n t y - o n e

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"You're going to want to see your doctor for proper concussion protocol," the nurse advised as she took a step back from Roland's chair. Aspen was still standing hesitantly in the doorway, unsure if the nurse would be sending her back to class or if she'd let her wait with Roland. The woman put her clipboard down and peeled back the gloves she had worn while tilting the boy's head to check for pupil dilation. "I'll go get you some ice for that bump," she said with a sweet smile. Aspen stepped out of the doorway to allow the woman to leave the room.

Aspen took her lack of comment as an invitation for her to enter the room, so she seated herself in the seat beside Roland. He turned to her, a smile already touted on his lips. "You don't have to stay," he said, though it was clear from the look in his eyes that he was hoping she would.

She returned his smile. "I know I don't. Believe it or not, I'm not actually here to keep you company," she admitted. She chuckled softly when he let out a playfully offended gasp. She settled her elbow onto the armrest of her chair, her chin poised thoughtfully in her palm. She peered at him curiously. "What did you say to Rick?"

A gentle blush appeared on his cheeks. Though he enjoyed having such a clear view of her pretty face, his bashfulness forced him to turn his head towards the other side of the room. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he coughed out a dry chuckle. "I don't know exactly. I called him a bully a couple of times. Then some meaner names. Told him that this isn't how mom raised us," he explained halfheartedly. He paused before shaking his head, his voice quieting, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't make a difference."

"It does matter," Aspen argued, an affectionate smile on her lips. He turned back to meet her gaze, his face immediately reddening. He shook his head and Aspen argued further. "You heard what Guy said. The fact that you stood up to your brother like that proves that you'll never be like him." She stopped for a moment, trying to sort out what exactly she wanted to say. Her contempt for Rick was obvious, but he was still Roland's brother. She didn't know how to praise him without berating his older brother. She finally settled for a sideways smile. "I mean, honestly, Rol. You're-"

Roland was practically on the edge of his seat in anticipation of what she was going to say, but the nurse reentered the room before she could finish. The woman handed an ice pack, wrapped haphazardly in a paper towel, over to Roland with her same kind smile. He thanked her, and she just nodded. "Stay as long as you feel you need to, hun," she offered. She then turned her gaze to Aspen for the first time, her smile unwavering. "Folsom, aren't you?"

A bit embarrassed by everyone's familiarity with her family, Aspen gave a sheepish nod. "Aspen," she added. She was flustered, but the nurse didn't seem to care.

"I'll write up an excuse note for you to take to your fifth period, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to send you back for sixth," she explained. Aspen was already smiling gratefully at her, but the woman gave her an apologetic look anyway. "If it were really up to me, I'd let you stay however long you'd like. But, alas." She gave a small shrug.

"Thank you, ma'am," Aspen responded kindly. The pair exchanged a smile before the nurse excused herself once more, explaining to just give a holler if Roland needed anything.

When Aspen turned her attention back to her friend, he was already holding the ice against his head, his arm curved in an uncomfortable position. Aspen contemplated asking him if he wanted her to hold it for him, but she figured he could take care of himself. In fact, before she really got the chance to say anything, a small smirk appeared on Roland's lips. "So. What color are we wearing to Homecoming?" he asked, so abruptly that Aspen couldn't help but laugh.

She gave him an exasperated look. "Really? You want to talk about that now?" she asked in disbelief. When he gave an innocent shrug, another giggle escaped her lips. She was glad to see that his bout with his brother hadn't flattened his spirits too much. After a moment of consideration, Aspen let out a tiny sigh. "The dress I bought with my mom is navy."

Scars On Ice | Charlie ConwayWhere stories live. Discover now