t w e n t y - s i x

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Roland must have, at some point between the end of the hockey game and first period Friday morning, informed Jay of what transpired during warm ups. In order to save Aspen the trouble of having to actively avoid Charlie during school the next day, one of those two boys was at her side every chance they got. Walking to and from classes, sitting together at lunch, going to her locker after school. Wherever she went, either Jay or Roland was there too. She almost wanted to slap them.

"I know what you're doing," she had grumbled during third passing period.

Roland, who was standing loyally beside her, blew a raspberry. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Am I not allowed to walk with you anymore?" he deflected with ease.

Aspen let out an irked sigh, letting her locker door shut with more force than usual. She turned and coldly met his gaze. "I'm fine, Roland. You and Jay don't need to be my bodyguards," she insisted. When Roland just shrugged his broad shoulders, she let out a frustrated groan. "I need new friends," she muttered.

At her words, an adorable pout fell onto the boy's lips. "Hey now, that's just mean," he sulked. When she gave him a tired look, he let his playful facade fall away. With a nimble hand, he reached over to gently brush some of her wavy hair away from her eyes. "We just want to help you," he finally murmured with sincerity.

Aspen let out a slow breath, her eyes shutting for a few seconds as his soothing fingertips made contact with her hair, their rough edges just barely brushing against her temple. As soon as his hand dropped, her eyes opened, instantly meeting his tender gaze. For the first time all day, she offered the slightest ghost of a smile, directly causing him to grin.

Before she could say anything else about how she absolutely did not need them to fight her battles for her, Roland nodded in the direction of her next class. "Let's go, Hops," he teased, his lips puckering a bit at his own use of the nickname. When she laughed, his grin only widened. He shoved her shoulder. "Come on. I do want to be on time to class."

While Roland and Jay were being protective, even if obnoxious, friends, Elle was entirely in a tizzy. She nearly shoved Peter off of the bench he was sitting on at lunch, planting herself directly in Aspen's line of vision. Aspen tentatively met her eyes, her stomach constricting at the pointed look she immediately received. She let out a sigh, "Hi, Elle."

"What the HELL-" she began, far too loudly for anyone's liking. All three boys turned to stare at their female friends, causing Aspen's face to redden. Elle became meek and immediately lowered her tone. Bowing her head, she didn't bother to soften her gaze as she continued. "-is going on with you? And why has Charlie been moping all day?"

Aspen sent a cautionary glance around the table, scowling when she realized that all three of their friends were still listening. With a grumbling sigh, Aspen grabbed hold of Elle's arm, and the two of them scooted further down the table, hopefully out of ear shot. With one last angry glance to her left, Aspen began her muttering. "Maybe you should be asking him. God, I go to one freaking hockey game..." she let out a chuckle that sounded like it genuinely hurt to heave. She shook her head, her tongue stuck angrily in her cheek. "I can't believe I was so stupid."

Before she could babble any more nonsense, Elle held a hand out to silence her. Aspen scowled, but Elle just raised her eyebrows. "Asp. I need to know what he did before I can sympathize with you and/or kick his ass," she informed. There was no humor in her tone. She was being dead serious.

Aspen held her stony gaze for a moment before deflating. She slumped her shoulders a bit, resting her elbow on the table and her chin on her fist. She couldn't even look in his direction as she explained. "I asked him earlier this week about the game on Thursday, told him I'd be there–" she ignored the way Elle scowled upon learning that she was the only one who hadn't been informed of her friend's attendance, "– and at that time, he offered me his jersey.

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