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Whereas Aspen's first choice of how to spend her Saturday was holed up in her room with no interruptions, her friends had other ideas. They disguised their "distract Aspen from Charlie Conway" plan as "needing a girl's advice on Homecoming outfits," and it worked. She and Elle both hunkered down in the chairs outside of the fitting rooms in a formal store at the mall, waiting patiently as the three boys changed.

Aspen had given Peter a hard time about not inviting his date to come with them. She and Elle were both itching to meet her, as they were becoming desperate for another female friend. But Peter just clicked his tongue. "She has a life, yknow. Besides, isn't it a thing where you're not supposed to see each other's outfits until the dance?"

"That's for weddings," Aspen deadpanned with a scowl.

Elle nodded at her friend's words. "Besides, I'm going with Jay and Aspen's going with Roland. If that really was a tradition, we're already breaking it twice," she argued lightly.

Peter huffed, "That's different! Roland and Aspen are going as friends and you and Jay are practically siblings!"

"It's not different," Aspen retorted easily. She studied her ragged cuticles with a scowl, realizing that she and Elle really needed to schedule an appointment for manicure before the dance next weekend. After a moment of disgusted observation, she lifted her gaze back to Peter. "I think you're just afraid that she's going to like us better than you."

Peter made a face at her, but didn't dignify her teasing with a response. He instead just disappeared behind the curtain he had been standing in front of, a collection of ties gripped in his calloused hand.

Elle and Aspen talked quietly between themselves as they waited for their male friends to get dressed. Elle kept the conversation going as much as she could, trying her very best to keep her best friend occupied. Every smile that fell onto the girl's face felt like a tiny victory to her best friend, and when she got her laughing? Man did that feel like a huge success.

Jay was the first to exit his changing room, the suit combination he had chosen fitting just a little too loosely around his sides and sleeves. He was obscenely tall, but thin as a rail, so he always had a bit of trouble finding clothing that was long enough but not overly huge. He grimaced as he stepped in front of the full-length mirror beside Elle. "Damnit," he mumbled, lifting his arm to watch as the sleeve fell open.

Aspen eyed him from head to toe, tilting her head from side to side as she considered it. All in all, it wasn't too bad. It was a little loose, but it didn't look sloppy. When Jay turned to her for her opinion, she shrugged. "I don't think it looks too bad," she offered meekly. Jay gave her an annoyed look. Clearly not the opinion he was looking for.

"I like the color," Elle piped up, "as long as you wear a red tie. We have to kinda match, you know."

Jay rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her, his mini tantrum earning a laugh from Aspen. The sound of her laughter made both of her best friends break into grins. Before the moment could fall away, Jay did a little twirl. "Okay but really. Is this the style I should go with? Or should I try something else?"

Aspen immediately shook her head. "No no, the classic suit is definitely your look. We just need to get you one size smaller and a burgundy tie," she answered quickly, her smile slowly but surely growing with each word.

Elle couldn't fight her wild grin, even as she teased the boy. "Oh man, I can't wait to have the absolute hottest date to the dance," she swooned dryly.

Her jesting earned herself a death glare from Jay. "Just be glad I asked you. Otherwise you'd be going with Peter, and no one wants that," he snarked.

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