Chapter Nineteen

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Adrian is in the bar with Ronald, Grell, and William. They're all smiles and catching up. Ronald only asked about Vincent maybe three or four hundred times, wanting to know how 'serious' serious was. Adrian sighed and checked his phone. Nothing from Vincent. That was unusual. Not even a single email? Text? Maybe he was mad about the whole going out with Ronald thing?

"I should've told him Grell was going to be here too," Adrian muttered, angry at himself for wanting to make Vincent jealous.

"Why the long face?" Ronald asked, suddenly concerned about Adrian.

"I can't contact him..." he replied, staring at the few dozen messages he sent in the last ten minutes. And the past hour or two.

"I'm sure he is fine, sweetie, just business stuff keeping him busy," Grell reached over and grabbed Adrian's hand. William's face when he returned from the bathroom had a different story to tell.

"Adrian," his voice fluctuated slightly.

"Will?" Grell stood up. "What's going on?"

"Vincent's helicopter has gone missing. He was supposed to fly out for a meeting and he...never returned."

"What do you mean he never returned?" Adrian tried not to panic but panic still came.

The TV switched to the news and Adrian heard the coverage. He stared at the screen and witnessed the brilliant flames. Orange with tips of blue. A crash. He doesn't hear the words but he sees the flashing pictures and various camera angles of the fire. Where is Vincent?

" Vincent Phantomhive has gone missing after crashing his private helicopter. The fire is still blazing and we are unable to tell at this time if Vincent Phantomhive is actually alive. There were eye-witness reports of a parachute sighting and police officers and rescue teams are currently searching the area for a body. " A picture of Vincent is displayed in the corner of the screen as the report continues and more images of fire are there.

"Vincent?" Adrian's voice cracked and he could barely breathe. "His birthday is tomorrow..." tears fell from his eyes without him realizing it. "I was going to-"

"Adrian, darling," Grell circled around the table and hugged Adrian, pushing his face into her chest. "Let it out, sweetie." Adrian did.

The next few hours were spent in front of a TV inside the apartment Adrian had shared with Grell. Everyone cuddled up on the couch as Adrian's eyes were glued to the screen. Diedrich had called him hourly providing any information he could on the whereabouts of Vincent Phantomhive but nothing was known. As if he was never even there to begin with.

" Recent reports believe Vincent Phantomhive may have committed suicide as no other people were believed to be on that helicopte- "

Adrian shut off the TV and awkward silence filled the room. He stood up and started walking.

"Honey?" Grell stood up and grabbed his arm. "Where are you going?" He didn't reply. Instead he shook his arm free and exited the apartment. He didn't know how yet but he was going to make it back to Vincent's home. He couldn't stand the news anymore.

Adrian took out his phone and called Othello. "I didn't think you would call me so soon."

"Othello..." Adrian spoke for the first time in hours. "You said he hated himself but..." Adrian reached up to touch the scar around his neck. He couldn't finish the sentence.

"Adrian. Vincent loves you more than himself he would never leave you like that. Not like that. He's never been happier than when he is with you." Adrian looked at the ground as he walked. "Adrian? Are you still there? Where are you right now? Adrian? Please talk to me." Othello's voice barely reached Adrian's ears. He just kept mindlessly walking hoping one day he'd get to where he wanted to be.

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