Chapter Twenty

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Vincent gathered a number of people together in a small party to announce the engagement. Everyone was communing together, awkwardly, and talking about meaningless things. Vincent also had to answer numerous questions about the helicopter crash and still hadn't made an official press release notifying the world that, yes, he is alive.

"I can't believe you're getting engaged," Francis cupped Vincent's face in her hands and smiled a warm, caring, and motherly grin.

"I need to collect my $1,000 bet," Othello smirked and elbowed Adrian in the stomach. "Good for you two. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"You bet on this happening?" Adrian gasped.

"I bet on everything. It's a good way to keep office life interesting. My secretary owes me so much money," he cackled.

"Why was I dragged onto a private jet and flown all the way to who knows where?" Adrian's brother, Dr. Franken Stein, crossed his arms and entered the room. Adrian's mouth dropped and he ran towards him. He ran, jumped, and glomped his brother.

"I haven't seen you in ages!"

"Get off of me," he snapped. "I demand an explanation."

"I'm getting married!" Adrian released his brother and smiled.

"You just met the guy, what the hell?" Dr. Stein frowned.

"Is this the brother you said I would like?" Othello pointed.

"Oh, yes, this is my brother," Adrian gestured. "Dr. Franken Stein."

Othello blinked, wondering if he heard that correctly. "Dr. Othello," he introduced himself.

"Is Othello your first or last name?" Adrian found himself asking. He never thought about it before but now he was curious.

"Yes," he grinned, not answering the question.

"Well, I'll leave you two doctors with weird literature-based names converse," Adrian chuckled and left.

"This is so exciting," Grell clapped her hands together and then hugged Adrian. "I hope you know that I'm not going to leave you alone ever. We're going to make this the most fabulous wedding there is."

"Thank you," Adrian smiled.

"I never thought he would ever get married," William admitted. "But I'm glad you're able to make him happy. He deserves to be happy."

"So, does this mean you're going to be Mr. Adrian Phantomhive, or is he going to be Mr. Vincent Crevan?" Ronald lightly punched Adrian in the arm and snickered. "Maybe you've got a hyphenated situation going on?"

"I'm pretty sure we're going to keep our names the same. But I haven't actually thought about that," Adrian realized changing his last name to 'Phantomhive' sounded really bad. Vincent Crevan sounded even worse. Maybe they'd find an entirely new last name to change their names to. But, Vincent already had a lot out there under 'Phantomhive' as the head of his company. It would be too much work.

"Have you thought at all about what you want this to look like?" Grell frowned. "Do you even know if you want to wow everyone by wearing a dress because I know you can pull it off." Adrian's mind wandered back to the ball.

"Y-yeah," he said. "That would definitely make this a wedding to talk about if I wore a dress."

"I mean, Vincent could wear a dress too but he is not allowed to wear anything other than black or blue. It's the law," Grell formed an X with her arms. "Good thing we both know a photographer so you can get a cheaper rate," Grell eyed Ronald.

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