When a random guy talks to you

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You were walking around a store and some guy comes up to you and tries to start a conversation
•Will just watch you and the guy talk
•put his arm around you to make try the make the guy jealous
•cries inside and scared
•"that guy was super weird right?Are going to him again? Please don't!"
•Grabs your hand and zoom zooms out of there
•takes you to your favorite store and tries to make you forget about the weird guy
•"y/n I'll buy you anything just forget what happened please?"
💛nagito 💛
•Feels down
• He says he's trash and you better go with that other guy but in his head
•he looks up to see the boy touching and you feel uncomfortable
•his boyfriend instincts turns on
•pushes him on the ground and runs out of the store
•"y/n I'm sorry for letting that happen!"I thought that you didn't need me cause of that dumb guy!"
•Will say he need to go to the restroom and cries
•will come back but to see the guy gone
•Say it was your brother
•will feel embarrassed
•Will kiss you all over your face
•later when your asleep search up the guy identity
•learns his schedule
• dice and him fucks up his day
•the next day he showers you with love
•"whaaaat?? I didn't do anything!"
•"kokichi what did you do?"
•" Don't worry about it!"
•looks at him with that one sprite of his

You were walking around a store and some guy comes up to you and tries to start a conversation ❤️mokoto❤️•Will just watch you and the guy talk•put his arm around you to make try the make the guy jealous •cries inside and scared•"that guy was super...

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•runs away
•you look behind to see him

•you don't know why it happens 🤍kiibo🤍•he feel sad•he thinks you deserve him•as you two walk to the car he tells you how feels about the weird guy •You told him you will aways love him•he feels happy (*'꒳'*)

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•you don't know why it happens
•he feel sad
•he thinks you deserve him
•as you two walk to the car he tells you how feels about the weird guy
•You told him you will aways love him
•he feels happy (*'꒳'*)

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