🌺Your children🌺

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💞Makoto is very underrated💞
•he loves to play around with them, and every time he comes back to work he gives them some snacks.
•you have two daughters
•izumi is the oldest, she's 6 years old,loves to play soccer, she's more rebellious than her younger sibling.
•kuroda is 4 years old, is more honest, loves you more then her dad just by a bit.

🍊How stupid are you?🍊
•you are now a mom of 5
• you have three children, a husband and a dog
• apparently all of them are dumb.
• you have 3 boys.
•you just want a girl is that to much to ask for???
•akaashi (age 13) plays baseball,is somewhat popular at school
•onishi (age 10) replaced Chiaki and nagito and is now hajime's bestfriend
• he is the brainless one
•koizumi (age 9 )is probably your favorite child but no one knows that.
•well he is the least stupidest child here
•your trying to figure out why they are like this
•but not hajime he was born like that.
⭐️I fuck hope while you're gone⭐️
he hold you gunpoint to name your child hope
you didn't
•you called him seto (age 7)
•he's very energetic
•when he was a baby he try to eat nagitos hair
(He still does)
•he has a mix of your hair color and nagitos original hair color (I heard somewhere that nagitos hair is actually brown but a disease that he has made his hair what it is now)
•his first word was hope
•I wonder why..
🔎He probably listens to mcr🔍
they think of him as their hero🥺
• you have one boy and one girl
• Tanaka (age 8)is the older brother of takara (age 6)
•tanaka is so proud of his father
•he always makes shuichi more confident
•takara wants to be cop to help out her dad when she's older
•tanaka told shuichi he has a girlfriend and he's a bit jealous that he got a girl at a 8 year's old while he got you at 18
•Tanaka and takara won't admit but they like to sleep with you and shuichi and say that they had trouble sleeping or thinking about their scary uncle kokichi.
🎲kokichi 🎲
you have 3 children
•two identical twin boys and one girl
•you are glad their not all like their father
•well expect for one
• yoichi is the youngest of the twins
• he literally kokichi but smaller.
•koichi is the older twin brother
•honestly loves you a lot
•is a mamas boy
•btw if you watched danganronpa future arc and cried at koichi and kirigiri scene i love you and help me kill kuruka please
• they are both 12
• lastly your daughter midori is the youngest out of them(she's 10)
•she plays violin and has a longboard
•one time she tried to teach kokichi how to ride and his Dumbass tried to do a trick
•for those who don't know,you're NOT supposed do a tricks on a longboard.
•he got injured lmao
•You had to help him
•got cuddles from you all day
•kokichi will always hang out with yoichi but likes to be with koichi and midori time to time
• likes to be with you every chance he gets
•6/10 husband
• 10/10 father for yoichi
•7/10 for midori and koichi
you have 1 daughter
•rantaro wants more tho
•"listen rantaro I don't what to go through birth 11 more times."
•She's 3 years old
•Amari amami dislikes rantaro ahoges and tries to get rid of them by trying to cut them off
•she really likes strawberry cheesecake
•cries when rantaro leaves for trips
•he doesn't go often
you have one girl
•kiibo loves her with his whole entire heart
•sometimes she say robophobic comments and you'll have to scold her because he is to sweet to do it
•buys her some much toys
•saeki is 5 years old,she's really girly
•she basically made this thing every Friday she makes you and kiibo watch a movie with tons of pillows and blankets to just have some family time.
I just realized That this book has 3k reads wow. I didn't think I would come this far thank you so much🥺💕Kokichi isn't really my favorite characters but I like to write him more because he's such a interesting character in the game. Jk he's trash I like nagito more.🍦🚗👦🏼🧑🏻


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