OwO whats this?

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[SN]: yoyoyoyoyouoyouihsjsbxkbxlzb

Icyboy: what now [S/N]?

[SN]: [S/N]???? yo I told you to call me [N/N] smh

Icyboy: riight. well what's up?

[SN]: england has no good hero course schools. i wish i was in japan, you guys have great ones!!!

Icyboy: oh? did you know im doing an entrance exam for a school with a hero course?

[SN]: stoppp you're tying to make me jealous aren't you :(

Icyboy: yes, yes I am

[SN]: uGh im so proud of you

Icyboy: for what?

[SN]: you're learning the way of memes

Icyboy: is.. that it

[SN]: no of course not,,, im proud that you trust me

[SN]: and that I taught you

Icyboy: wow, thanks [N/N]

[SN]: ha no problem icy. anyway i gotta go to school ttyl

Icyboy: bye

[Y/N] put her phone down, sighing. She didn't want to go to school, she really didn't. She hated it. She got up anyway, walking towards her closet and taking out her uniform. It wasn't anything special, just a black blazer, white shirt and a black skirt. A classic English uniform. She walked out of her room and into her bathroom, brushing her teeth and then her hair. She stared into her reflection, running her hands through her [H/L] [H/C] hair before changing into her uniform. She finished and went back into her bedroom, sitting on her bed and looking at the time. 6:50 AM. She sighed and put her phone on charge, wanting to preserve it for the bus ride to school. She got up and walked downstairs, into the kitchen. She made some toast for herself and ate it before walking into the living room and grabbing her bag, putting it on the couch. She went back upstairs, grabbed her phone and charger and went back downstairs... again. She plugged her phone in and watched YouTube until 7:30 a.m., when she stood up, put her headphones into her phone and put her phone into the inside pocket of her blazer before clipping her tie onto her shirt. She put her headphones in and listened to Alec Benjamin, slinging her black and [F/C] backpack onto her back. She placed her money for her school bus in her pocket and walked out of the house.

She got to her bus stop around 7:45 and waited another five minutes until the bus came. She got on, paid the driver and went to the upper layer of the double-decker bus, sitting at the back. She took her phone out and scrolled through reddit, still listening to her music. She got to school at around 8:20 and went into the cafeteria, sitting at a table and reaching into her bag. She got out some manga, reading it for a few minutes before putting it away and walking towards her Form. The rest of the day was extremely boring. She had English, Maths, Spanish, Religious Education and Geography. The only class she really enjoyed was English.

The day finally ended and she got onto the bus, paid the driver once again, waited for her stop, got off, and walked home. She walked inside when she noticed a letter on the floor. She picked it up, it was addressed to her.

Dear [Y/N] [L/N],
We have received information from your current place of education about your incredible potential and would love to offer you a place at the U.A. High Entrance exams in three months. If you take this offer, you will be taken in by a Host Family from someone else applying for U.A. and your plane tickets to Japan will be paid in full.
Should you accept this offer (with full parental consent), you will be going on the plane to Japan on July 1st, giving you approximately a month to train with your Host Sibling.
Please contact us using our email, **********@UAHigh.jp

Yours sincerely,
Principal Nezu
U.A High

[Y/N] stared at the letter. She couldn't believe it. She immediately ran upstairs to tell her Mom, who read over the letter and, after some hesitation, agreed to let her go to U.A. [Y/N] Jumped up and down excitedly, thanking her Mom over and over again before running into her room and taking her phone out.

[SN]: OwO whats this?
got a letter in the post
HMmM what is this?
T-series saying cease and desist—
nah jk its not t series

Icyboy: you got a letter?

[SN]: yeyeyeyeyeyeyey!! It was from a Japanese hero school offering to let me take the entrance exams!!!!

Icyboy: [N/N]!! I'm so proud! Are you going to do it?

[SN]: OF COURSE I AM! im staying with a host family and im kinda worried about that tho :(

Icyboy: Dont worry, I'm sure it'll be fine

[SN]: alright well!! I'm leaving on June 1st!! So I've got about a week!!! To get ready!!!

Icyboy: Ha, alright. I gotta go so I'll talk to you later?

[SN]: ye

Icyboy: cya

[SN]: bye

[Y/N] smiled, shutting her phone off before falling into a blissful sleep, dreaming of being at U.A.

Ahh I finally made a new chapter! Before you ask, no, Y/N does not go to a private school. Here in England, we have uniforms even in public schools. it's terrible I hate it :(

Oh!!! Another thing, I don't know when the UA entrance exams are, but since the start of the school year is September, I thought it'd probably be around August??? Idk-

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