I'll miss you

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[Y/N] sighed to herself as she began packing her suitcases and bags. Today was July 1st and she'd be leaving for Japan in a few hours. She eventually finished packing, she had all her favourite clothes, books, mangas, notebooks and a few more things. She heaved the suitcases and her bags down the stairs and outside, placing them in the car. Her dad would be taking her to the airport, although they didn't live together, since her Mom didn't have a car. She got into the front seat and waved at her mom as her dad drove off. They sat in silence until the got to the airport. [Y/N] hugged her dad tightly.
"I'll miss you." She said, clutching onto his back.
"I know. Promise me you'll come back and be a great hero. I know you will." Her Dad said, smiling at the [Tall/Short] girl in front of him, "Now. Go be a great hero. I know you can do it."
[Y/N] smiled back. "I love you, Dad. I promise I'll be an amazing hero when I come back."
"I love you too, [Y//N]."

She smiled at her dad, walking away and waving, tears glistening in the corner of her eyes. She looked away, wiping the tears she didn't dare let fall and walked through the security, eventually getting out and going towards a McDonalds. She got some chicken nuggets and fries and sat down at a table, eating them. She soon finished and put the empty containers into the garbage before sitting down at one of the many seats littering the airport.

About an hour later, her plane was finally boarding. She jumped up, grabbing her small bag that just had a few mangas in, walking towards the gate her plane was boarding. She got on successfully, found her seat (which was luckily a window seat with nobody next to her), plugged her headphones in and listened to music until she plane took off.

After fifteen excruciating hours, the plane finally landed in Japan. [Y/N] looked out her window, both nervous and extremely excited to be in Japan. She got up, grabbed her small bag and left the plane, being slightly agitated from the long flight. She walked towards the baggage collection area, and after a long five minutes, finally got all of her bags and started walking towards the main area of the airport. She gulped and stayed in the same spot for a few minutes until eventually, a plump woman and a boy, who seemed about her age, both with green hair and eyes.
"Hello! You must be [L/N] [Y/N]! I'm Midoriya Inko, your Host mother! This is my son," she said, indicating to the boy, "Izuku! It's a pleasure to meet you, [L/N]!"
"Ah— er, thank you- please, just call me [Y/N], it's a pleasure to meet you too!" [Y/N] stated, slightly surprised at the sudden interaction.

Mother and son Midoriya led her out of the airport, towards a taxi, which then went to what she was assuming was their house. She seemed to be right - it was small, but very nice and homey. Midoriya ("I told you, just call me Inko!") showed her to her room. It was nice, although small. [Y/N] didn't mind, she liked smaller rooms. She thanked Inko one last time before walking into her room and started unpacking. She looked over at her phone, realising she hadn't been able to text Icy at all today.

[SN]: hi im with my host family

Icyboy: are they nice?

[SN]: yeah they seem nice, their house is super cosy

Icyboy: that's good

[SN]: yeah it is

Icyboy: choccy milk

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Icyboy: choccy milk. Really?

[SN]: lol yes anyway I'm gonna go to sleep me and my host brother are training for our entrance exam tomorrow ;)

Icyboy: sleep well, [N/N]

[SN]: will do, gn

Icyboy: goodnight

[Y/N] turned off her phone, looked for a plug and plugged it in. She put her phone on the desk next to her bed, got in it and fell asleep, only thinking about tomorrow and the entrance exam. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't extremely nervous to the point she might have a panic attack. She wanted so badly to get into U.A. and this would be her only chance. She didn't want to mess this up.


Short chapter, it's 6:30 am, I'm tired, goodnight everybody.

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