when i said you could use a drink, this was not what i meant

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     Clarke honestly didn't know what to think when she saw the Exodus ship crash. Disappointed, that the 100 weren't getting the needed reinforcements and supplies. Scared, because there probably weren't any survivors. After all, her mom was on that ship. The only family she had left.

When they traveled out to see the wreckage, she wasn't surprised to not find any sign of life. If she was being honest, she expected it. But still, a sliver of herself was holding on to the chance that her mother could still be alive. Seeing the crash site was just the needed proof of her death.

Clarke was torn. She wanted to be upset about her mom. She missed her. The last time she saw her was before she was forced onto the drop ship. But in the back of her mind she knew what her mom had done. She had got her father killed. Turning him in to the Chancellor so he could get floated. But even then, thinking about the horrible thing her mother had done, she couldn't help but be devastated.

Once they got back, Clarke wasted no time finding some of Monty's leftover "Unity Juice". She needed a drink. Sure, leaving Bellamy alone to lead by himself for the day wasn't ideal, but she figured he could manage. And he didn't seem to be complaining either. Clarke spent the rest of the night inside her tent, drunk and drawing with some of the leftover art supplies from the small bunker.

She ignored everyone who tried to talk to her, even Finn, who had come by multiple times. Each time she had just pretended to be asleep. If it was important, she thought, he would wake me up.

The next day she found herself in Jasper and Monty's tent, borderline begging for more of the alcoholic beverage. Monty eventually gave in, and made her another special batch. She spent her day repeating the events of the previous. Drinking all day and staying out of the way.

She was content, all of the feelings she had towards her mom had been numbed by the alcohol.

She continued to let Bellamy lead on his own without her input, which wasn't much different since there hadn't been anything too important happening. The only problem they faced now was the threat of the Grounders, which she felt Bellamy could handle just fine on his own.

On the third night of her alcohol induced haze, she decided she needed a change of scenery. Wandering outside of the gates, unarmed and utterly defenseless, she found peace. She sat down, leaning up against the wall and looked up towards the sky. The home she left behind. The only place she had ever known before landing on Earth. She was drifting off, eyes opening and closing, continuing to look up at the stars. That's how Bellamy found her.

"Clarke, Clarke get up." She felt something, someone, trying to shake her awake. She just groaned in response, ignoring the person trying to deprive her of this peacefulness.

"God, you could've gotten yourself killed out here. I shouldn't have let you be by yourself this week, damn it." the person, a boy, mumbles to himself. She felt another shake.

"Get up before I have to carry you inside, Princess." Clarke ignores the boy again, and she feels a pair of strong arms lift her up, and the distinct swaying feeling of being carried.

Something he said sounded familiar though. Princess, she thought. Only two people call me that. Those are her last thoughts, as she feels herself being placed onto something soft. She falls into another deep sleep, thinking about the boy who carried her inside the camp.


Clarke wakes with a start, and in an unfamiliar environment. She looks around trying to find something she recognizes, and draws a blank. That's until someone walks in. She immediately identifies the brown curls as Bellamy's, and starts to feel uneasy. Not because he makes her uncomfortable, but because she doesn't want him to see her like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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