7. Good Girl

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"I've wanted this."

"What do you mean?"

"You, Stel."

I could feel the gap between our bodies close, knowing he could feel my heart banging against the wall of my chest. His intense, intoxicating gaze did not dare to leave my crazed one for a second as the firm words fell from his mouth. His touch was fiery, scorching kisses scattered down my neck and his hot fingertips digging into the back of my thighs as he hovered over me on my own bed.

"I want you."

Those three, simple words sent chills down my arched back. I felt as if I were in a haze as his soft lips dragged up my throat before lingering them above my own.

"Tell me you want me as badly as I want you."

His words made my eyes fluttered shut, soaking in the feeling of his legs tangled with mine on my cold bedsheets. Although my mind was racing, I didn't hesitate to clasp my hands around his neck as one of his hands slowly travelled from the back of my legs to my inner thigh. A breathy gasp escaped me at the static feeling spreading effortlessly through the lower half of my body.

"Tell me, sweetheart. Say that you want me, too."

I was speechless, as I was only able to utter soft gasps and whimpers with every form of contact he gave me. I knew I wanted him, it was blatantly obvious, but why was it so hard to say?

"Stella, please."

His hand creeped closer to where I wanted him; where I needed him. My body instinctively buckled under him, craving the feeling of his fingers touching me in places he's never been before.

I try to speak but nothing comes out of my mouth. Why can't I say anything?

"Stella, baby."

I jolted upward, gasping for air as I blinked up to Calum standing at the foot of my bed, shaking it to wake me up. I rubbed my eyes, grabbing my phone off of my nightstand to check the time as I realized that it was all just a dream. An interesting and very different type of dream, a type that I only ever came close to in my reality.

Jesus Christ, Stella. You were about to have a sex dream with Luke.

If I were to be brutally honest, it was not surprising. The amount of tension that constantly surrounded me at the thought of Luke was suffocating. From the way he would constantly hover over my shoulder in the autoshop to the way he would bite his bottom lip before he spoke to me. I could not get the devious man out of my head, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"You still sleep like a fucking rock." Calum snickered, slapping my foot through my blanket.

"What do you want? It's seven in the morning on a Sunday." I blinked up to Calum in confusion, attempting to calm my heart rate as he stood stiffly with crossed arms.

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