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"miya can you stop talking, it's getting really annoying," my older step-brother, jimin spat and rolled his eyes.

i pout and mumbled a quick sorry before going quiet. you see, me and my brother don't really get along that well. his mom married my dad five years ago and we lived together ever since.

i don't hate his mom. in fact, i treat her like she was my own biological mother. she had a big heart and loved my father the way he wanted to be loved. the way my actual mother failed to show him. there was no reason to hate her.

my dad and jimin actually get along really well. jimin respected him and loved him like his real father. it's kinda sad he doesn't treat me the same way.

jimin wasn't particularly the best brother but he wasn't a bad one either. he may act a little cold sometimes, okay, most of time, but i know there's a part in him that loves me. even just a grain. he just doesn't want to admit it.

"jiminie, let your sister be," seokjin scolds.


seokjin is my bestfriend, jiwoo's older brother. he's driving the car. the four of us were headed to a famous campsite to camp. it was both mine and jiwoo's idea to do so. jiwoo invited her brother to join and he enthustiastically agreed. but i couldn't say the same with jimin.

he was here because our parents forced him to. they didn't want me to go without him, even with knowing seokjin was around. i guess they really wanted us to bond like siblings do. jimin didn't want to argue so he agreed to accompany me even though he didn't want to.

kim jiwoo has been my bestfriend for several years now. we treat each other like family, she was there when my parents divorced, she was there when my dad remarried, she was basically with me my whole life and i'm grateful.

seokjin and jimin had the same relationship with one another. seokjin was like the older brother jimin never had and jimin was the little brother he never had but always wanted. so being with each other wasn't really a problem with any of us.

"oppa, how longer do we have to wait until we get there?," jiwoo who was seated beside me asked her brother. "we still have a long way to go jiji, you can sleep if you want. i'll wake you up when we arrive"

the both of us were occupying the passengers seat along with all our things. her right leg was resting on top of mine while my head was rested on her chest. comfortable? yes.

we were initially talking about or more accurately, i was talking about random facts i knew about the 18th century until jimin told me to shut up. jiwoo didn't have the same interest in the 18th century as much as i do but she still listens to me whenever i talk about it, like the good friend she is.

there had been an on going joke that i was supposed to be living in the 18th century since i knew so much about it. of course, we'd just laugh it out. obviously, it was meant as a joke.

"should we just sleep?," she asks me. i bit my bottom lip, "do you want to?"

she snorts, "miya, when have i ever refused sleep?"

i laugh, it was true. jiwoo would choose sleep over anything, over everything. she'd choose sleep over school, sleep over chores, sleep over food even sleep over me and her brother.

"then go to sleep, little bitch," i whisper to her, not wanting seokjin to hear. she giggles, "alright hoe, see you later," and with that, she falls asleep in a second, leaving me to look out the window and admire everything our car passed.

i peek at jimin, who was sitting beside seokjin. his eyes were closed, he was trying to sleep. his chubby cheeks made me want to poke him so bad. but then again, he would get mad and probably raise his voice at me and i will cry.

seokjin glanced at me for a second and back at the road, "how 'bout you, mimi? don't you want to sleep?," he asked. "i'll fall asleep eventually, what about you?," i ask back.

seokjin chuckles, "who'll drive if i sleep, mimi?," i blush in embarrassment, "right," i silently say. he releases a loud laugh, almost sounding like a windshield wiper, "you're so funny, mi. but if you wanted to know if i'd be alright while you're all asleep, then yes," he smiles.

i nod and smile back before leaning back to jiwoo's chest and fidgeting with my fingers while silently humming to a song i heard by the famous boy group called bst. they're really talented and good-looking.

the ride was quiet with jimin and jiwoo sleeping, me not talking and seokjin focusing on driving. i've always wanted to go camping with my closest friends. but jiwoo and her brother are the only friends i have that aren't members of my family.

you could say i'm anti-social. but i really just don't know how to approach someone and ask them to be friends with me. but i will if it was really necessary to do so. good thing jiwoo was the opposite. if not, she wouldn't have went to me and asked to be friends.

i rested comfortably on jiwoo's chest, hearing the faint sound of the blowing wind before closing my eyes and losing consciousness.

hello everyone, yes i have made another book. what is self control? anyways, i'll try to update at least once or twice a week cos my life be falling apart<3 but bts exists so we continue living :) i hope everyone is happy and healthy! comment and vote, it really inspires authors to continue writing. stay safe! 💜

// miks 🐯

BOY FROM THE 18th CENTURY ⇻ k. taehyungWhere stories live. Discover now