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[ trigger warning!! there are mentions of harrassment and slight violence in this chapter. i am going to indicate where it starts and ends so if you aren't comfortable with these, please scroll. thank you ♡  ]


"mr. shin just makes me wanna skip school," jiwoo groans as she arranges her book inside her locker. miya, who stood by her side nodded, "i'm pretty sure a lot of his students dread his teaching. he's not even teaching shit!"

"i fucking know right?!," she messes her hair up. "we don't have anything to do, right? we're free for the next days?," jiwoo asks. miya thinks for a couple seconds before replying, "yeah, no requirements"

"FUCK YEAH! no school works means no stress! and no stress means fun!," she beams, "let's have some fun at my house!! we can do a girls night," jiwoo suggests. "yeah, but i have to ask my mom first"

her bestfriend snorts, "please, your mom will say yes as long as it's me! she loves me"

miya rolls her eyes, "sure she does," she smiles. suddenly, miya feels her bladder tighten, the urge to pee going strong, "i gotta pee! wanna come with?," she asks her bestfriend, her thighs squished together.

jiji shakes her head, "just hurry, i'm almost done arranging my shit"

with that said, miya sprints to the girls restroom to answer the call of nature.

humming to wap, jiwoo continued to arrange her things in her locker. she always liked being neat and tidy, it was something her whole bloodline valued and it was definitely something she would pass on to her future children.

"i want you to park that big mack truck, right in this little garage," she mumbles and giggles to herself, "i love that part"

she then feels a presence behind her. she slammed her locker shut and locked it with her key. thinking it was her bestfriend, she turned around with a smile on her face.

but instead, she was greeted by kim namjoon himself.

"hello there," he greets and jiwoo flushes. she immediately bows and greets him as well, way more politely since he was her senior.

"were you about to go home?," he asked and jiji replied with, "uhm, not really, i-- uhm, waiting for miya," she face palmed, "s-sorry"

namjoon merely chuckles, "you're adorable, you know that?"

jiwoo feels her cheeks heat up, hearing the compliment from her biggest crush.  "t-thank you?" she stutters.

*** start *** [ and btw, please do not associate anything i wrote in this chapter with the boys in real life. i am pretty sure they know boundaries and know respect. they are good people and there is no way i am trying to dictate their character in real life. this is an alternate universe, nothing is real. thank you ]

the man then stepped closer, a little too close, "i've always had my eye on you," he smiled. jiwoo backed up, feeling a little bit uncomfortable. namjoon continued, "such a pretty little flower," he whispers as his hands wandered on parts that he shouldn't.

jiwoo tensed and nervously chuckled. she held his hand, stopping it from doing more than it already has, "i, i should get going, my brother--,"

"no no, i'm sure your brother won't mind," he then locks the girl by the wall, blocking her every chance of escape. soon, namjoon started to trail his hands around her body, making her feel more and more uncomfortable.

jiwoo swirmed, trying to get his hands off her. "please get away, this is making me uncomfortable," she pleaded. still, the man ignored her pleads and continued touching her in places that were off limits to anyone, especially without her consent. 

his fingers then reached her inner thigh, making her tear up. jiwoo didn't want this to happen. "what's the matter? you don't want this? i thought you did"

jiwoo kept shaking her head while tears ran on her face. she then started screaming for help. this made namjoon clench his jaw in anger before covering her mouth with the palm of his hand. "shut up or you'll regret it"

the girl didn't listen and still tried to scream her loudest, in hopes that someone would hear her and save her from the man that she used to admire. used to. 

like her prayers were answered, jimin and taehyung were passing by when they heard jiwoo's screaming. jimin stops walking, making taehyung look at him, confused, "what's wrong?"

"isn't that jiwoo's voice? why is she screaming?"

they both start running to where the girl's screaming was leading them. fortunately, it did not take them long to find jiwoo and the reason why she was screaming. fuming, taehyung immediately jumps to the scene, rips namjoon off of jiwoo and started punching him on the face, "DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"

jiwoo falls to her knees, continuing to sob loudly. jimin then runs up to her and attempts to calm her down. "jiji, what did he do to you?," he asks softly. jiwoo didn't respond as she just continued to sob. she couldn't get herself to speak after what happened. jimin tries to rub her back but jiwoo flinches. this made jimin's heart ache. but most importantly, this made jimin furious at namjoon.

miya then comes walking back, expecting jiwoo to be perfectly fine and waiting for her. she stops in her tracks as she sees taehyung beating up namjoon while her brother and her bestfriend were on the floor. she rushes to her bestfriend and jiji immediately collapses on her. "what the hell happened?!" 

jimin didn't respond to his sister. he just stood up and grabbed namjoon by the collar and says, "you are fucking SICK," before proceeding to beat him more. but namjoon just laughs it off, making both men more furious. 

"she wanted it," he calmly explained, "and i gave her what she wanted."

"you are fucking disgusting," jimin says with gritted teeth. taehyung had his jaw clenched, wondering why there were people as disgusting or worse than the man he was seeing in front of him. namjoon continued to chuckle as the rage in jimin rises. "I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU REGRET EVER DOING THAT," jimin yells in frustration, about to jump on namjoon but he left before he could. 

miya's brother was about to run after the said man but his bestfriend stops him. taehyung points to miya and jiwoo who were now both crying.

they helped the two in standing up and and rushed to find wherever jiwoo's brother was. they needed seokjin to see what happened to his sister, they need to get namjoon expelled and sent to jail for what he's done to jiwoo.


this is a very sensitive and important topic. a lot of women [and men] have been sexually harassed. wearing revealing clothes does not equal consent, making sexual jokes does not equal consent, confidence does not equal consent. as long as it's not a solid yes, it is not consent. know your boundaries and respect. don't teach your daughters how to cover up, teach your sons how to behave and not to rape.

// miks

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