Chapter 3

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"Now... Let me assign you with someone here." Kiel said, tapping his chin.

We were in his office right now, talking some business stuffs that has nothing to do with me.

Why am I here actually?


I snapped back to reality and look up to Kiel. "What?"

"I will assign you with Lucas in the sales." He replied.

I nearly dropped my chart, eyes widened. "Why me? Uhh, w-what about Kieth? She's good at this."

"Kieth?" He raised a brow. "She's at the product section, and I believe that you are the best person in the job, since you helped your mom 5 years ago."

"But that was 5 yea--"
"And you can't do it again? Then why are you even working here?"

This guy...

"Okay, fine!!" I huffed and aggressively took the papers from him.

I eyed at Lucas, gesturing him to follow me. This will be a very stressful month.

• • • • •
J E N N E T T E ' S P O V . . .

Kiel suddenly let out a laugh. I tilted my head confused.

"Those 2 still on bad terms, huh?" He sighed.

"Huh?" I frowned.

"You still want to continue matchmaking them?" He asked.

A smile crept on my face. This is the only thing that I want to do since 5 years ago.

"Now I see what you did earlier." I chuckled.

• • • • •

Athy might hate me for this but everyone might be happy for what I am about to do today.

I look around and everyone look so tired and hungry. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty hungry too.

(me too..)

I took up all of my courage and took a deep breath.

"Hey guys!!" I yelled for everyone to notice me. "Athy said that she's gonna treat us some good snacks!!"

Everyone in the office flung their heads to me as they heard the word 'snack'. I took a small glance to Athy, who is staring at me in shock. Sorry...

They all cheered after a moment of silence, thanking Athy.

"I didn't say that!!" She exclaimed. "I didn't!!"

They ignored about what she said and kept thanking her.

Wow... When they heard 'treat' and 'food' they go for the run.

"OKAY, OKAY!!" She yelled, I can' t really see her because there's a wall of hungry people surrounding her.

They cheered again, but I can hear Athy crying inside.

Sorry... again...

Kiel, who is suddenly standing beside me said, "Since you were the one will treat, you will also buy."

"EH?!" Athy exclaimed.

Kiel just smile at her, tilting his head. Somehow, his smile makes me shiver.

"I mean.. EHEM! Eh?! I would gladly do so!" Athy nervously laughed.

This guy is a savage..

"Oh!" I turned to Lucas. "Lucas, can you accompany her?"

He look up from the papers and scoffed. "What does it have to do with me? Let anyone accompany her, just not with me."

Don't lie you asshole...

"Tch, still cold as always." I huffed. "No wonder that I broke up with you."

He suddenly stopped writing, but not long after he stood up from his seat and grabbed his coat.

"Let's go."

He grabbed Athy by the arm and walk out of the office.

Geez, if you can't forget your past then you can't love the woman that you loved for 5 years.

I moved on from the past, so I'm not the weak Jennette who is always crying.

• • • • •
A T H A N A S I A ' S P O V . . .

"L-Lucas! Slow down!" I complained, staggering at the sidewalk.

He didn't reply to my complaints so I snapped.

"I said, slow.down.boke!!" I smacked his head 3 times.

"That hurts!!" He exclaimed, caressing the back of his head. "Why did you do that!"

"Good riddance.." I smirked.

"Hey, I'm being kind to you here and you just suddenly smacked my head!"

"Then stop being kind to me." I rolled me eyes.

"Fine.." He sighed after a moment of silence.

I started to walk, walking past him. I thought that he was following me but when I turned, he's not there.

I began to feel bad, my heart tightening like it was tightened by a millions of rubber bands.

I feel a sense of fear inside me, just like when I first came here without knowing everybody here. I hugged myself tightly, clenching my sleeves.

'I don't want to be alone...'

'Don't worry! I'll stay with you, I promise so don't cry, Nasia!'

"There you are..."

I heard a familiar voice. I slowly look up and saw a pair of worried ruby eyes, staring down at me.

He suddenly hugged me and somehow I feel safe, with him just hugging me.

"Don't walk off without me, dummy..." He muttered.

"I...." I began to tear up. "I thought that you left and walk back to the office.."

"There's no way that I could do that.." He chuckled. "I promised to you."

I look up to him, eyes widened. "Huh?"

"You think I'd forget that? Not in a million years!" He smiled, then wipes the tears away from my cheeks. "So stop crying, even if you hate me that much that you don't want me to be kind to you, I'll always stay with you."

I blushed, immediately averted my gaze at him.

Why's suddenly my heart beats so fast?! Didn't I moved on?! Th-Then why?!

"Aww.." He pinched my cheeks. "Our Nasia is still scared of being left by someone."


I feel kinda happy..

"Shut up!" I slapped his hand away. "You won't be getting a treat!"

"HAAH?!" He exclaimed. "I walked all the way here with you and you just-- you're still a mean person!!"

The people walking around the sidewalk keep staring at us whispering,

"Is that a lovers quarel?"
"Why are they fighting here?"
"Ugh.. Get a room.."

I blushed and immediately grabbed him, heading to a cafe. "Okay, I'll treat you!!"

"Actually, I don't want to.." He said.

A ticked mark appeared on my head. "Then what do you want? I prefer killing you."

"Sorry.." He took a step back. "I'll go with the treat."

• • • • •

Sorry for the late update.....😞😞😞

" What If  ||  Book 2 " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now