Cinnamon Demon

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"Peter, Boss said that: 'Pointbreak and Reindeer games are visiting in about— 1 hour so you better get your a$$ up here boy'"

Peter yelped. He looked up at FRIDAY's camera and nodded, he gulped, he went to his bathroom, locking it "KAREN lock all of FRI's cameras" KAREN hummed in respone and blocked the hidden cameras. Peter inhaled and exhaled, he then touched his forhead and flickered it, and with a blink of an eye— he changed. Not much— but his eyes were Red, his skin was rosey-white, and he had some-sort of black Tailsman with the Kanji of: '庚' 7th in rank or Kanoe. It was wirtten in silver ink, peter looked back at his reflection, it was still the same, he sighed, he was now 20,000 years old in demon age but only 15 at human age.

Peter sat down for a moment taking deep breaths. He wiped off his sweat on his face, his magic of illusion is soon fading due to him using it all day without rest. He stood up and used his magic once more but something happened– his eyes were still red the 1st sign that his magic needs a break, like at least– 20 or 30 years break. Peter began to panic once more, he quickly scooted outside, snatching his sun-glasses while going to the elevator. As he ordered to go to the common-room, peter took deep breaths, he was having another anxiety attack, he adjusted the sun-glasses, and just as he finished– the elevator dinged.

The others turned and smiled. "Hiya sonny" Tony greeted, standing up and patting his son's hair, "What's with the glasses?" He asked. Peter shrugged it off and quickly sat beside his mother, pepper giggled and pecked her son's cheeks. The others snorted at the embarrass face of their youngest avenger, "Son, meet Pointbreak and Reindeer Games" tony said. Loki snorted and thor rolled his eyes "Hello son of stark, I am Thor, Son of Odin, God of Thunder" thor introduced without his– *le gasp*! He didn't boomed?! Everyone was quiet for a while before loki coughed. Loki turned to peter, "Hello young peter, I am Loki, God of Mischief, thor's brilliant little brother" he said, peter waved at them. "Hello Thor, Loki, i'm glad to meet you two" he said, he then excused himself and quickly sped-walk to the elevator, getting out of his own Tension.

Loki narrowed his eyes at peter as he left. "Weird, the boy seems to be in a hurry" he mumbled quietly, he shook his head and turned back to the others. He side-eye steve and saw that Steve was also worried about peter, he sighed and listened to the others, but his mind kept bugging him to go check on peter. So he did what he wants, he excused himself and left, going down to the penthouse, soon he reached the floor and quickly charged towards peter's room. He stopped as he was infront of the room, he sighed and knocked "Peter? Are you there?" He asked, no response– he knocked again, no respone– "Peter this isn't funny, OPEN, the DOOR" he said rather calmly yet angered.

"Y-you can't!" Peter squeaked. Loki snorted silently, peter's stuttering is quite cute, "C'mon, I just want a talk young one" He said. Soon the door open to reveal peter on baggy clothes and his sun-glasses still on, loki came in as peter stepped aside. "So... Why did you rush off?" Loki asked, peter gulped, "I needed to finish some school buisness, summer project" he explained with white lies. Loki smiled at peter's attempt but he knew it was a lie, so he decided to play along "What's the project about?" He asked, "Noarse Mythology, about Ragnorok" loki gulped, that wss still a touché subject. "And why are you not finished yet?" He asked, peter gulped once more, "Because I was busy being Spiderman" he said it was true this time. "I see, now remove your Sun-glasses" he said "Okay— wait what?" Loki qyickly snatched the sun-glasses away before peter could stop him.

Peter yelped but he couldn't hide his eyes for long. Loki stared at them, full of Blood, yet with Mischief and Anxiety, loki smiled "Stark never siad you had red-eyes" he said. Admiring peter's eyes, peter blushed 7 shades of red, he gulped and looked away, "I-it's something else" he said, loki looked at the ceiling. "I'm sure I can keep a secret" he said, without even crossing his fingers "alright, But promise you won't freak out" loki rolled his eyes. "Surprise me" he said, "Alright, here we go" peter removed his illusion, revealing the same image again loki stood their frozen and very stunned at peter's uniqueness. Loki gulped and cackled "Very unique, and very Surprising" he admitted, peter rubbed his wrists in embarresment, he looked to his left, pouting a bit.

Loki laughed and soonly peter explained his past. Peter justs tood there, loki nodded and promised to keep it a secret, "Don't worry I won't" he said. Peter thanked him and soon loki left, with a smile on his lips, he enjoyed his time with peter, he also felt the same for he was a Jūton not fully Asgardian.

"Sometimes... Being different isn't that bad"

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