05; ig

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three days later and i'm still mortified
310,174 likes | 4,481 comments

user over what??


user i am: confused

jeremypope you're doing great, sweetie❤️
thalia.mia my skin is cRAWling
user i'm so lost

hichasestokes don't be!!!!
thalia.mia this is all your fault
user YIKES

user wait what

madelyncline all is well bby💓
thalia.mia wait pls no does everyone know about my embarrassment
rudeth no, i wish i did😒
jonathandavissoffical chase won't tell us anything
thalia.mia GOOD

drewstarkey keep your chin up, lia❤️
thalia.mia easy for you to say, sir
drewstarkey your embarrassment is self induced. the less you think about what the other side thinks, the less stress you'll put on yourself. keep your head held high and your chin up. let yourself flourish.
thalia.mia you a word smith or sum?
drewstarkey just a former english major😘
thalia.mia well, thx❤️❤️

user wait a damn minute

user so we're just not gonna talk about that^?
user my thoughts exactly

user dalia

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