39; groupchat

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the charley crew
john beh🛥, THE pope✝️, jj🔫, s cam👑, kie🏝, bottom🩳, rage👕


s cam👑
i know. is any of that true?

THE pope✝️
hard to say. how often is she with any of you guys?

guys why don't we just ask her

because she won't answer her phone


john beh🛥
i don't know. i'm trying to figure it out.

they could be old pictures though, right?

john beh🛥
they could. i've never seen any of them before but that doesn't mean they're not

i don't know. i'm working on piecing it all together.

you don't seem too convinced

john beh🛥
i'm not, entirely. i'm trying to figure it out because i fucking hate that guy and nat has some stupid connection with him that she's never been able to run from. he's bad for her. really bad.

this is awesome, really

s cam👑
drew just give her time to deal with it and explain it all

you mean give her time to continue to skip out on me with a guy from her past that reminds her of a dark place? a guy that brings her to the point of self destruction?

john beh🛥
she told you about bryce?


john beh🛥
well that's more than she's every done with anyone else. people that she meets nowadays never really find out about bryce through her directly

is that supposed to make me feel better?

john beh🛥
i figured it'd be nice to know, you douche.

how am i the douche now?

john beh🛥
i'm just trying to ease your nerves by letting you know she's letting you in much farther than anyone else in the past five years has gotten

that doesn't exactly solve the issue at hand, chase


this isn't the time

s cam👑
guys why don't we just text in the groupchat and ask her what's going on?

she's going to think we're ganging up on her

is that not what we're doing?


THE pope✝️
just be gentle with it

she hasn't answered her phone all day long i doubt it'll even work if we did

s cam👑
worth a shot.


the losers club
stoked☀️, rudeth🤪, cline💖, bails👑, jaydee🤓,
a-town💥, drewseph🤘, talls🥺

talls bby, how are you feeling?

we just want to hear your side of things so we can try to help you.

nat if you're sneaking around with bryce again...

talls 🥺
after more than ten years of you and i being practically fucking inseparable you think that i'm sneaking around with bryce? after all this time, chase?

to be fair, you never tell me when you start hanging out with bryce again. julianna always calls me, and then you go missing for days after i find out

the last time you hung out with him wasn't even that long ago, nat.

talls 🥺
if anyone would know when i'm acting shady enough for you to legitimately question if i'm hanging out my ex, it'd be you.

i haven't seen bryce in over a year, chase. and i haven't put anything up my nose in over two. but thanks for being such a good, great supportive friend.

jesus christ, nathalia i'm just trying to make sure i'm not going to find you passed out on a bathroom
floor somewhere for the third fucking time

talls 🥺
fuck you, chase.

so that's it? just a "you trust me or you don't"

well clearly none of you do, right? that's why we're having this conversation. i get that chase has reason to be suspicious about my FORMER drug problem, but you? what the fuck did i ever do to make you question me? i was clean before i met you and i've called you on multiple occasions when i was on the brink and now, because of some unreliable gossip article, that all goes to shit? fantastic, drew. genuinely, i'm so glad we had this conversation.

is it wrong that i want to know if you're sneaking around with your ex that pulls you back right into that lifestyle? you've been teetering the edge lately anyways so who's to say if you tipped over or not

talls 🥺
it's not wrong that you asked, it's wrong that after you asked and i told you that it wasn't true, you chose not to believe me and bring up things from my
past in order to crucify me.

i've also given you so many opportunities to get out of this situation before you wrapped yourself into it. i've told you everything i've can to warn you about how hard it is to be around me and in my life and you chose to stay, so don't put that shit on me.

if you guys think i was with bryce there's obviously nothing i can do to convince you otherwise. that's been made clear.

guilty until proven otherwise, right?


fuck all of you

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