Chapter 12 - In Need Of Comfort

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Jenny felt terrible everything hurt, unsteady on her feet and was shaking slightly, she managed to wash her face with cold water, brush her teeth, then swill out her mouth with mouthwash shuddering as she did.  Her cycle had only ever caused her to be in so much pain it made her physically sick like this once before and that was brought on by trauma, maybe the accident had caused it this time.  Jenny straightened up holding on to the sink for support, she was sure she had heard a noise, or had she imagined it.  Outside on the balcony Jane was holding on to Loki who looked unsteady on his feet as they landed.

“I’ll be okay now” he said and with a wave of his hand the patio door opened and they walked in. 

“I can’t see her where could she be? Maybe she’s lying down” Jane moved to the bedroom opened the door and looked in “No not in here”. 

Loki walked further into the flat just as the bathroom door opened.  Jenny slumped against the door frame a faint smile on her lips as she spotted Jane “I thought I heard something” was all she managed to say.  Then as she stood to enter the room all went black, Loki ran forward and in one swift movement stopped her from falling and gathered her up into his arms.

                “Can you open her bedroom door for me so I can lie her down” Loki asked and Jane obliged.  He carried Jenny in to the bedroom lying her down on the bed as is if she was a fragile piece of crystal that would shatter at his touch.  He heard Jane moving around and then come into the room with a cloth soaked in cold water which she handed to him.  He carefully folded the cloth and laid it across Jenny’s forehead as Jane went back out to the kitchen this time returning with a glass of water and some tablets placing them down on the bedside cabinet.  

Seeing the look on Loki’s face she put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him “don’t worry she’ll be fine I’m pretty sure I know what has caused her to keel over, when she comes to make her take these tablets”.

                Thor appeared in the doorway “what happened is she okay?”

                Jane walked over to him and steered him out of the door “she’ll be fine she has Loki to look after her, come on let’s make some drinks”.

                Loki sat on the edge of the bed reaching out and taking hold of Jenny’s hand in his.  As he sat there he thought about how fragile she looked as he gently stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.  Looking down at their hands he noticed the difference in size between them, everything about Jenny was small compared to him making him frown.  Now that he was here sitting next to her Loki could feel the sense of unease that had been with him all day starting to slip away from him but why?  Had Jane been right this morning when she had talked of him knowing in his heart that she was no longer on Asgard?  Jane came in carrying a drink for him which he gladly accepted “Jane I need to ask you something.  What did you mean this morning when you said I knew in my heart Jenny had gone?”

                Jane smiled at him “well I don’t know what actually happened in the forest between you and Jenny but I can hazard a guess that you didn’t tell me absolutely everything this morning.”  She smiled at Loki “to be honest I suspected something was not quite right when you returned from the forest yesterday.  It was during dinner, I noticed the way Jenny kept looking at you across the table when she thought no-one else was watching.  The odd thing was I couldn’t decide how she was feeling, as I watched her trying to work out what was wrong her eyes kept changing colour, they do that it’s kind of weird really. When she is happy they go bright blue and when she is sad or scared they go a very dark grey”, Jane sighs “because her eyes kept changing colour I knew she had some very mixed emotions going on in her head.  I suppose that’s why I played along with her when she wanted to go upstairs, I thought maybe she would tell me when we were on our own, but she didn’t, she just kept telling me she needed to rest so I left her.   It was only later when we went back to my room that I realised it was the wrong thing to have done.  Clearly whatever you two had shared was worrying her a lot, it was obviously playing on her mind.  Then when you spoke of your unease this morning I think, well let’s just say I hoped, that you were experiencing similar mixed up feelings.  Judging by your reaction when I told you that she had gone home I was right”.

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