Chapter 13 - Does Absence Make The Heart Grown Fonder

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Loki wasn’t sure how long he sat there holding her in his arms but at some stage he too must have dozed off.  Jane entered the bedroom carrying a drink for him and smiled at the scene in front of her, Jenny had clearly fallen asleep in Loki’s arms and because he had not slept well last night he too had succumbed to sleep.  Jane walked over and gently shook him “Loki, I thought you might want a drink”.  He goes to release Jenny so he can get up “no its okay don’t get up you might disturb her let her sleep some more.”“Thanks.  She seems to need the sleep” he lifted his arm and took the cup from Jane.  “What time is it?”

“Dinner time you’ve both been asleep for a good few hours”, Jane walked to the door “told you it would be alright” and she winked at Loki.  “I’m just preparing some food I’ll let you know when it’s ready”.

He sat still holding Jenny to him with one arm leaning back against her pillows drinking his coffee he felt a peace within him he hadn’t felt since he was a child.  How could it be that for all the mocking he had done of Thor since New Mexico he too cared deeply for a mortal.  Even Odin had seen it coming before he had himself, but then hadn’t Frigga once told him that he was always so perceptive about everyone else but never about himself, he smiled she had been right.  It had taken him a long time to find inner peace but now he truly believed he had found it just like Thor in the company of a mortal.  He felt Jenny stir next to him so placed his cup down. 

"What time is it?” she asked sleepily.

“Almost time for dinner, do you feel hungry? Jane is cooking but I don’t know what, do you want me to find out?”

"Yes please.  Can you tell her I don’t feel like eating much, thanks Loki.”

He took his arm from around Jenny and walked to the door, he turned to look at her and found that she had already slid down under the sheets and fallen back to sleep.  He walked over to Jane “I’m not sure if Jenny’s wants much to eat she asked what it was but then I think she may have gone back to sleep”.

“Sleep is good for her right now Loki but most of all what she needs is for you to be here with her”.

“Why do you say she wants me here” Loki looked confused.

“Oh Loki have you really not figured it out yet.  She needs you because she cares for you, the only problem is can you help her to get past her fears.  She needs you and if you will admit it you need her, why do you think there is a connection?  It’s got nothing to do with memories or magic it is all to do with feelings and emotions.  What happened was you both experienced the feelings that you have in your hearts and even though neither of you realised you had these feelings they connected in some way” Jane looked at Loki who still seemed unsure.  “I know you are this mighty God from Asgard but that doesn’t make it wrong to feel this way, Thor is not ashamed of his feelings and neither should you.  Even Odin accepts it, he might not be very happy about things but he accepts there is nothing he can do to stop the inevitable”.

Loki moved towards the stove he suddenly realised Thor was not in the room “by the way where is my brother?”

“Thor is back home in Asgard and when I have finished cooking I will be on my way too.  You need some time alone to sort things out so Thor has gone back to let Odin know all is well and that Jenny needs you here to look after her for a while and I am going back home and then work tomorrow”.

“Are you sure that will be okay?” Loki sounded doubtful.

“Totally I will pop round tomorrow afternoon so Jenny can keep her hospital appointment and then we’ll let Heimdall know how long you intend to stay” Jane smiled. “Okay foods ready do you want to get Jenny, I’m off” she smiled, stood on tiptoes and kissed Loki lightly on the cheek something he had never expected.

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