The Gender Reveal Party

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Today I have my first maternity training and to be honest, I'm kinda nervous. After the training I have to go to the hospital for a ultrasound, I'm almost 5 months pregnant now so they can tell me the genders. I'm really excited to figure out the genders! 

I got up from my bed, Niall was still sleeping so I got in the shower. After I showered, I dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I took some sweatpants and stole a sweater from Niall, cause mine were too small. After I put on my clothes I woke Niall up. "Niall wake up, babe." I said and shook his shoulder. He turned his back to me and I gasped. He didn't just turn his back to me. "Niall if you don't wake up now, you have a big problem then." I said to his back. He turned back to me slowly opening his eyes. "I'm awake." He said, with his morning voice. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss. "Good, put on your clothes and then we have to go." I said, getting up to get my bag. Niall jumped out bed and put on his clothes. "I'm ready. Were do we have to go first, again?" He asked. "I have to go to the training first, then we have to go to the hospital for the ultrasound." I said, with a smile. "The ultrasound?" He asked confused. "Yeah the ultrasound. They can tell us the gender." I said, smiling big. "Oh that's what you ment." He said, with a smile. We walked outside and got in the car.

We arrived at the training and I got a little nervous. "Can you come with me? I'm a little scared." I asked Niall. "Uhm sure, love." He said rubbing his neck. I walked to the reception and signed in. A few minutes later someone got me. "Hello nice to meet ya. You can come with me and take the father with you please?" A woman said and walked away. Niall and I followed her and walked in a room. "We do the training with only the parents and not other couples. You can take place on the yoga mat." She said. I sat down and tried to sit comfortable. "Sir you can sit behind her. You have to spread your legs, so she can lean against you." She said. I frowned a little but shrugged my shoulders. Niall sat behind me and I leaned against him. "Good, first you guys need to get to know your body and the baby." She said, smiled at me. "It are twins." I said. "Ofcourse. I'm sorry. Well put both your hands on your belly and close your eyes. If the babies start to kick, then you got a connection and can the training start." She said. Niall and I nodded. I lied my head on Niall's chest and put my hands on my belly. Niall lied his hands on my belly too and I closed my eyes. We stayed in this position for almost a hour. I gasped when I felt a kick. My eyes flew open and I started smiling, I turned around and faced Niall. He was smiling really big too. I turned completely and sat infront of Niall. Niall looked me in my eyes first and then at my belly, I nodded at him. He bowed a little and kissed my belly, then started talking. "Hi little ones. Daddy here. I really can't wait to meet you and mommy can't wait either. Just be a little nice to mommy, okay? Promise me by kicking again." He said and put his hands on my belly again. I felt another kick and smiled really big. "Well I think that the training went really good. You don't have to come back, just do the exercises I give you, to train your pelvis." She said, handing me a paper. "Your free to go now. Good luck." She said and opened the door. Niall and I got in the car and drove to the hospital.

After 30 minutes we arrived at the hospital. We got out the car and went inside. "Do you wanna know the genders?" I asked Niall. "Actually I don't know. I would love to know but not just seeing the gender written on a paper, I want it to be a special moment to remember." He said, I nodded at him. "I was thinking that too." I said. We kept quite for awhile and got called in. "Hello Y/N. I see you met your donor. It's nice to see you again Niall." Doctor James said. "Yeah I met him and now we're..." I said and stopped to let Niall finish. "We are a couple now. I think this is the best thing that happened to me. If Y/N wouldn't want to meet me and thank me I think I would never met her. Btw it's nice to see you again." He said, with a big smile on his face. "Oh I really love to hear that. You to are made for each other. Well as you know this is going to be a little cold." She said and put the gell on my belly. "Do you wanna know the gender?" She asked. "Uhm yeah but we want them on a paper so we can do something special." I said and looked at her. "Okay well if I was you guys, then I wouldn't look to the screen otherwise you will find out." She said. Niall and I looked away. I smiled at him, nervously. Niall did the same. "Well I wrote it on a paper. I put it in a envelope with the photo's. Here are the photo's that won't show you the gender." She said and handed Niall the envelope and me a towel. I cleaned my belly and got up. Niall and I got in the car and drove home.

When we arrived home, I got really excited. "Who are we going to give the paper, to set everything up?" I asked. "Uhm Louis I think. He has the best ideas." Niall said, I nodded. I jumped out the car and ran inside. "LOUIS! Were are you?!" I screamed. I heard someone ran down the stairs and saw Louis running around the corner. "I'm here!" He screamed. "Here. On this paper is the gender written and you can plan everything. I trust you." I said and smiled. "I...Wow thanks for trusting me with this." He said and gave me a hug. "Surprise me and Niall." I said and walked upstairs. I walked in my bedroom and saw Niall already lying on bed. I got in bed too and rested my head on his chest. I was moving around to get a comfortable spot but couldn't find one. "Are you okay, love?" Niall asked. "No I can't find a good spot to lie down. This belly is getting too big to be comfortable." I said, upset. Niall pulled me between his legs and I rested my head on his chest. "Is this better?" He asked. "Yeah much better. But is it for you?" I said, looking up. "It's really comfortable actually." He said and smiled, I smiled back at him and pecked his lips. A yawn escaped my mouth and Niall chuckled. "Try to sleep a little, love. It will be a long night." He said, I nodded and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I was asleep.

Niall woke me up around 7pm. "Put some other clothes on, love. Louis is done already with the set up for the gender reveal party." He said, with a smile. I nodded at him and walked in the closet. Niall was wearing a pink shirt.

 Niall was wearing a pink shirt

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"Are you hoping for a girl Niall?" I asked with a smile on my face

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"Are you hoping for a girl Niall?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Maybe. I hope it will be a girl and a boy." He said, with a smile. "We will find out any minute now." I said, grapping his hand and walked downstairs. We walked in the garden and saw a mini golf course. "Niall! Mate! Your have to play a little golf to find out the gender. There will come some coloured dust out when you hit it." Louis said, smiling big. Niall smiled too and walked over to get his golf stick. "Are you ready?! On one you swing the stick!!" Louis screamed. "Three! Two! ONE!!" Everyone screamed. Niall swung his stick and scored. There came pink and blue dust. "OMG!" I screamed and jumped in Niall's arms. "We're gettin a boy and girl!" He screamed jumping up and down. I started crying so happy I was. "Louis I knew that I could trust you. This was really lovely." I said and kissed his cheeks. "I'm happy you liked it." He said with a big smile. The rest of the night everyone congratulated me and Niall and gave us some presents. At 11pm everyone went home. "Come we're going to bed, your really tired I see." Niall said and lifted me up. Normally I would protest but I was to tired to protest. Niall put me on bed and handed me my pajama. I put it on and Niall took his clothes of. He lied down in bed and helped me lie down between his legs. I just layed down and I fell asleep.

Author's Note

Hi guys!
I hope you liked this chapter as much as I loved to write it! Did you expect it to be a boy and girl? Please tell your friends/family or classmates about this story. Oh and don't forget to vote! :)
Well BYE for now!

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