Chapter Nineteen

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Edited: 5-21-24

Daeus' POV

The rest of the week spent with Void was nearly perfect. He was progressing much faster than anyone could have predicted and with each day, he seemed to be more comfortable with everyone. If it wasn't for the pressing matters coming up at the end of the week, everything would've been okay. We could've continued to work with my bond on his shyness and get him to open up more. We could have taken him to the park to play and be happy and get him everything he wanted. Mint sowed him some pants - a foreign concept to us Ekhad because we don't need pants, but the human hybrid was completely in awe with his gift and now carried around his blanket while inside instead of wearing it.

He slept in his bed during the night, but during the day, he had no problem bouncing back and forth between me and the rest of the division. Mint was a generally quiet Ekhad so Void liked to watch movies and shows with her while he liked listening to Unit play video games or play tag with him. Yupo took up giving him all the treats she could even though I would rather him not have too many, but nearly everytime I wasn't looking, she'd given him another one and during the silent times of the day, you could hear her reading to him, even though he couldn't understand what she was saying.

If there wasn't the meeting with the council, I could say he was ready for the world, for day to day life with me on the job. I could say he was ready to officially be a Bond - be a part of the family. But in the back of the mind, I knew our peace would end. While I could see that he loved my division, in the quiet of the night, when all was settled down and energy of the day faded away, Void would always come back to me. He would always seek out me for the love he deserved. I could see it in his eyes that he was happy. He wasn't hurting anymore. If he could have everything he wanted, he would still always want me and that was a relationship you couldn't break.

Although as the day rose from another night, my heart was hurting. The council wasn't a fun place to be. They liked to stick to their own beliefs and for a disgrace like myself . . . I'd be lucky to get to remain on Cera. The kings who made up the council were all self-righteous, arrogant asses who believed they deserved all the love, loyalty, and praise. They constantly disgraced Taurikie and the boundaries all Ekhad naturally lived with, trying to make everyone they ruled over abide by their rules.

We are a religious race and Taurikie is our maker, our God. If there is nothing else but the fur on your second back, you could always look up to the fifth star in the sky and know that Taurikie had that fur. He had your back and would guide you along your path.

Last night I had to look up to that fifth star in the sky and ask for His guidance. I'd found my Bond, my gift from our maker Himself, but if the council had their way . . . It was too hard to think about. I didn't sleep last night, worried about the consequences of today and when I first found my precious human. Was it too much to ask for to have peace? Was it too much to ask for to be happy?

"Are you ready to go?"

Yupo's voice as she spoke was somber. The air had been drained of energy the moment we woke up. Today was a dreadful day and one to worry about. Void was in the living room with Mint and Unit was out getting platform tickets so that we didn't have to trek all the way to the council house.

Turning away from the window, I nodded, following Yupo out of my room and to the living room. Void ran to me the moment he saw me and I picked him up, holding him close. Since this morning, he's been a bit clingy, but I knew he could sense the worry and dread in the air. He wasn't as bright and happy as he had been the past few days, but then again, neither were any of us.

"Unit's waiting at the station. He's got the tickets. The meeting is in an hour," Mint opened the front door as Yupo brought the leash over and clipped it to Void's harness. I took it in one of my free hands and balled it up. Sighing, we left the house, our walk to the station quiet. Void had his wings wrapped around me as if trying to hug me and I knew he was trying tomake me feel better, the feeling of dread in my stomach wouldn't go away as it persisted to dampen my mood. If they tried to take him away from me then I didn't know what I would do. There was nothing that could prepare me for how they would act and no way I could tell any of this to Void. He wouldn't understand anything they wanted and it would scare him.

When we got to the station, Unit waved us over to a platform car and we hoped on. The platform was a hovering transportation vehicle that were powered through the rails it ran on. Each car was able to hold one division and was sided with a low wall so one could see their surroundings. When running during rain, an invisible protection sheild was put up through the same materials that enabled the hovering. Void was interested in the car, but I didn't let him down and he glared at me for a moment before settling back in my hold.


The council house was a large house on an island between the Bee Kingdom and the Hornet Kindgom. It took 30 minutes for the platform to travel all the way from Prince Ceasur's division in the Hornet Kingdom to the island. When we got there, Void had dozed off as we laid around, anticipating what was to come next.

"We're here." Yupo announced as the platform came to a stop at the station. Ahead of us was the largest building in all of Cera aside from the palace's. Built about five generations ago, the council house was the only sign of peace between all of the kingdoms - kingdoms that only interracted with each other during times exactly like this.

Leading the division off the platform car, Yupo took stride beside me with Mint and Unit behind us as we made our way to the building. Void had woken the moment the platform stopped, but he was wide-eyed; fearful of the giant building and the multitudes of Ekhad that surrounded us. While he has been around few strangers the past few days, the island was positively bursting with Ekhad from all kingdoms.

Getting up to the doors of the building, a guide led us to the council waiting room and instructed us to be patient, that they'd signal us in when they were ready. But not even five minutes after he left, the big marble doors swung open and up on the far side of the meeting room, four kings stood higher than everyone else and one was glaring right at me.

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