13. Side Story: Night

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Third's pov

Kun have been playing with his phone when Justin suddenly come. Now they are in a break from filming Keep Running*.

"Ey bro! Watcha' watching?"

"Oh Justin, YWY2 public stage."

"Ooh.. I haven't seen that one, hey can I take a look too."

"Yeah kay." Kun said as Justin come and sit beside him.

"Oh oh oh Lisa! Lisa Laoshi, she is so pretty!" Justin cheered beside Kun's ear.

"Hehe yeah you're right." Kun chuckled upon seeing his former teammates fanboying.

"Hey usually you're so stiff and make a distance from girls, but... you seem relaxed with her." Justin said in the middle of their idle chat.

Hmm is that so? I feel kinda enjoy the filming. Is it because of Lisa?

But she is not always around when I am filming.

"Lisa? ... well, she is humble, funny, and pretty who doesn't like her?" Kun confessed honestly.

"You're right." Justin point out his finger at Kun as an agreement.

"oh this girl," Justin suddenly point out at a pretty short haired girl in whites, "she is the center right?! Lisa likes her so much!"

"Hm?" Kun unconsciously raised his eyebrows upon followed Justin's finger.

"Lisa was right she is good. Look at her dance, wow. Whose her name again? (Yu)Rain.. (Yu Xing)rain star?" Justin turn his face to meet Kun's eyes.

"Liu Yuxin." Kun beaming as he feel happy that his friend think Yuxin is such a good performer.

"Oooh right I remember... I remember that Xiao Gui sends her pic to me before."

"What?!" Kun jolted, his eyes instantly widened, his voice automatically raised in surprise, makes Justin flinch.

"What's up with that bro? You surprised me." Justin patted his chest.

"What do you mean by" Kun gulped, "Xiao Gui sends Yuxin's pictures to you?"

"Ehm.. he watch the debut stage and send her screenshots to me." Justin said, his voice going low as it's sounds like a scared kitten.


Kun said with his deep voice and  frowned eyebrows. Makes Justin asked himself, 'what's going on with him? Why he suddenly in killer mode.'

"We're talking about your show right, qcyn2 then I start to talk about Lisa." Justin's explained while he tried to avoid Kun's eye contact as he rolled his eyes to another side. Looking at Angelababy-jie and Shayi-ge whose been chatting not far from them. Maybe he was considering to flee away, that it would be better to join them then being with Kun.

"... I send some video of Lisa, turn out that was the video when Lisa praise her. then he send Liu Yuxin's pictures saying that he was impressed by her."

Kun keep staring attentively at Justin.

"... then he said that her rap and dances were impressive for that song. You know right it's Slow Mo's song..." Feeling wronged by the intense gaze, Justin finally questioning Kun's odd behavior. "...wait why are you so serious?"

"Huh?" Kun raises his eyebrows as if he plays innocent, "no I am not."

Justin replies him with just squinting his eyes until it form a line. "You are."

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