Forty One

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The gray building I can make out in my dreams because I know it that well is sitting in front of me, the sun slowly dropping behind it where it's lined with the trees.

The edible he gave me on the way is kind of hitting as I feel my body start to feel different, leaving me extremely excited. It was a chocolate Rice Krispie that smelled and tasted strongly of Mary Jane.

"Come on." He says and I comply as we hop out of the car, my mind wandering about what he could possibly show me in here that I haven't seen before.

He opens the door and we walk in, me walking over and sitting on the couch. I'm on here for a second before he pulls me back up and pulls me into the bathroom.

The light comes on and I stare at him as he looks at himself in the mirror. "Sit." He says as he looks at me, and I comply. I climb up on the counter and wait patiently for him as he leaves the room.

At least a minute later and he's back with one hand behind his back. "Close your eyes." He lets out in a soft voice as he steps closer to me, placing another kiss on my forehead.

I listen to him but can't help the butterflies that float around my stomach as I wonder what he's gonna do.

A slight gasp leaves my mouth as he pulls the dress up my legs slightly, really picking the wrong time to do whatever he thinks he's gonna do.

"Do you trust me?" He asks as he runs his finger up my leg, reaching the skin of my knee before stopping.

"Yes." Is the only word I can form in this second. So I said it.

"Good, thank you."

As if this man couldn't get any more sensual he really just thanked me because I said I could trust him. Like. No sir, thank you.

My thoughts are cut short as I feel something cold hit my leg, him slowly making his way up to the middle of my thighs. My breathing pattern changes and I can feel all my blood and endorphins start to rush to the same place.

We've been here before but it feels like something totally brand new this time. He cuts his hands short at the hem of my underwear, and I continue to feel his movements.

I wonder if his cheeks are as red as mine.

"Okay so, I- uh- just trust me alright?" I can feel him struggle to find words. He tries to explain what's about to go down but he can't, really. Or maybe he just doesn't want to.

I nod, once again telling him that I do. He stands there for a second before I feel his hand start to move under my dress. He slowly moves my underwear out of the way with his fingers and I almost gasp at the touch.

"Stand up." He says, and I furrow my eyebrows. Dude what?

"What'd I just ask you?" He asks me as he sees the reaction on my face and I throw my hands up in surrender, slowly moving down off the counter as he tries to move his whole body and hand along with mine.

This man is now in front of me, hand lifted under my dress, wasting no time as he bends down on his knee. My heart starts to race as he slowly lifts my dress up more over his hand, the fabric falling over his arm and his body as he quite literally disappears under my dress.

I can feel him place his hands between my legs and press them open, slowly forcing me to open them but going at a pace that almost like he's asking for my consent every two seconds.

The cold item hits my skin again and I can feel something that's like four marbles in a row, hitting my skin. The object is very cold but also feels good.

My eyes widen as I think I can now put two and two together as he loops his finger around my hem and pulls the fabric down my thighs. A gasp slips out of my mouth as he quickly swipes his thumb across my clit, before quickly moving them down.

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