The tower

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After promising my siblings i would visit for so many months, i finally had the chance. It's been a while since i've been to the village since I moved away once i turned 15. It pained me to let my siblings go but I wanted to see the world for myself, after the village has always been isolated from the world. No other villages have been near nor a kingdom, nothing!

I started to walk faster since the sun was starting to set and who knew what danger was out here. After a few minutes of trying to find the village, I suddenly heard rustling which caused me to stop. I looked around my surroundings, trying to look for the cause of the voice. All you could hear were the crickets chirping nothing else. I sighed and continued my way, keeping out incase if i get attacked.

Suddenly my vision went all black. My surroundings was just black, no trees no nothing. I looked at around confused, slightly panicking even more. That's when I heard giggles, so i walked towards them. I gasped. They were here.. in this emptiness? How? What?
This is all fake.. i thought to myself, again my vision went all black. Once i finally was able to open my eyes, i notice i'm on the ground, being surrounded by my brother and sister.. who had tears in their eyes? I tried to tell them it was okay but I wasn't able to move or talk at all.

"Please.. don't die.." my brother spoke, his voice shaking. That's when i came to a realization that i am dead.

No.. no.. this can't be i'm not dead this is just a dream please let it be a dream.

So many thoughts were raising through my head. I wasn't sure what was going on other than me being dead but how? I was alive, breathing.. unless i was attacked? but how did it happen so fast? I wanted to scream and cry but nothing came out i was unconscious. The last words i heard were "i love you" that's when my vision went pitch black again. This time I was in the village? I looked around me and noticed my own home. As i was walking I came out of the door along with my brother and sister. I noticed they were crying.. and i was too. I tried my best to remember that moment and that's when it finally came. It was when i was leaving the village, everything finally made sense. But why this moment? why am i remembering many things? And once again, my vision went pitch black but this time.. i woke up in a strange place. It was full of murals and many ancient stuff.. jeez my head is pounding.
I tried my best to pick myself up but i just couldn't, everything around me was revolving and my head was hurting. After a few minutes of laying on the floor, I finally got up. I inspected the room, it sure wasn't something from the village. Everything seemed to be full of shiny materials and paintings. I walked around reading each painting and the meaning behind it.

"Travis.. Kawaii..? What a strange name." I whispered to myself. I noticed that each painting had a different meaning.. and that's when i finally realized i was inside the tower. The tower that had every relic and many other things used by the past elementals. I made my up the stairs which showed the weapons they used stuff. Some books too which showed some of the forms of fighting they used and many more stuff. I finally made my way at the top of tower which showed the relics. I examined all of the them, the small details and everything until finally one caught my attention. It seemed like a seashell with a red or pink like tone. I was so intrigued by it. Once i touched it, I fell backwards, trying to regain my vision. So many memories and visions came into my mind until it finally stopped. I had memories from my

I looked around confused and got up. Something felt weird.. but i wasn't too sure what it was.. it felt like as if i forgot about my past life.. but i still had a few memories but everything was so foggy. As i was walking out, i noticed my outfit was different. I was wearing like some kind of chiton along with some gold pieces on my arms. The outfit itself was nice but how..? and why did i even get an outfit change. I sighed and looked left and right that's when this glowy orb thing came up to me I decided to follow it.. even it seems like it was probably a bad choice but i didn't know where else to go to this orb was my last hope. I followed it through the dark forest until it stopped at this temple. It was quite big and full of detail on the outside, i was so intrigued by it so i decided to head inside. As soon as I walked in, I saw this throne that had an icy look.. i also noticed other thrones sitting by next to it, all looking unique from each other. I walked in and explored even more.. the upstairs was full of rooms, nothing really important. The next stairs lead to this huge library, full of books. I was so amazed how huge this library is! Who knew how much information this library has! Sadly i had to move to explore the rest. After exploring more, i finally came to the last room. As i walked in.. i was kind of disappointed since i expected much more. This time it was a huge round table with seats all around and once again, one grand seat for the leader. I looked around and it had many paintings of other kingdoms, queens and kings and even the warriors. I headed downstairs where the rooms were located and decided to sleep in here.

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