He Knew!

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Her great mood didn't last very long when she spotted Mr. Crouch lying on the ground unconsciously.

She rushed to him, unsure of what to do, and started screaming, "Help!"

She didn't want to touch him and would rather stay far away. She pulled out her wand and hold it like a sword in front of her, if Mr. Crouch has been attacked, the person might still be here.

"Miss Lectus," Professor Moody appeared out of nowhere.

Ria wanted to feel relieved, but she still felt scared and refused to let her wand down even though her professor had arrived.

"I don't know what's going on, Mr. Crouch was just lying here by the time I arrived."

"I know." He approached, and did something with his wand. Suddenly Mr. Crouch was growling in pain.


Ria could hear Moody's thought loud and clear, he wanted Mr. Crouch dead. Or worse, he wanted him to live in pain.


"No, professor, why are you--"Ria said, then stopped, realizing she shouldn't' have said anything.

"He seems like in pain," She rephrased herself.

"Helps one to stay awake, doesn't it?" Moody smiled, it made his face look even more terrifying.

But Mr. Crouch was gaining his conscious back.

"Oh, my son. He passed 12 O.W.L. 12! Did you hear that?" He stood up and started dancing.

"Oh October 17th, the happiest day of my life!" He seemed to be recognizing Ria as her wife and wanted to hug her.

"Miss Lectus, if you want to leave, I think I got this." Moody said.

Bur Ria was reluctant to leave Mr. Crouch with Moody, not after what he was trying to do. Luckily Professor Dumbledore showed up, along with a few other people.

She walked back to the castle, still feeling frightened. The Weasley siblings saw her and came to ask her what's going on.

"Poor guy," George said, after hearing about Mr. Crouch losing his mind in the forest.

"Yeah...People judge him for putting his own son in Azkaban, but dad always says that guy has to be the one suffering the most from it."

"What about his son?" Ria asked.

"What about him?"

"Like what happened?"

"Oh, he died. People say he died while still cursing his father..."

There was a long silence.

"But, perhaps there is one good news." Fred said.


"Bagman came to us, he gave us our money back."

"Not the whole thing, but our original amount. We are just grateful for having even that by now."

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad." Ria said, still thinking about what had just happened with Mr. Crouch.

"Ria," Fred nudged her while her mind was drifting away during class.

"Moody is staring at you."

"Miss Lectus," Moody called her name, "perhaps you could repeat for those who were not listening, what did I just say about Occlumency?"

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