What He Left Behind - Epilogue

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2 Years Later

          "You did this to me!"  I screamed as I pushed and clutched Max's hand for dear life.  Another scream slipped through my lips before the pressure and pain intensified and I felt myself rip and tear.  "Ahh!"  I screamed again, digging my nails into Max's hand as he stood there and watched, wide eyed. 

          "One more push, Katrina!  You're doing great!"  The nurse said from between my legs. 

          "Don't tell me I'm doing great!  I've done this before!"  I screamed for the last time, after that.  "AHH!  Get out!" 

          "It's a boy!"  The nurse happily annouced, making me smile and reach out for him and Max cut the ambilicual cord easily.  I watched as they cleaned him up, the room growing silent.  I looked over at my little bundle of joy and from where I laid, I could tell he was smiling. 

          Looking around the room; his big, blue eyes matched his fathers and his pale skin matched Suri's.  I could see his smile; it resembled the one I fell in love with.  I smiled back and he laughed; the sound was so sweet...  So melodic and perfect...

          "Here you are, Kat..."  The nurse said as she placed him in my arms.  

          "Hey, there..."  I whispered, holding him closer to my chest and cooing my words at him.  He didn't cry; not once did he cry or scream.  All he did was smile.  "Well, aren't you a handsome little fella?"

          "What's his name so we can put it on the birth certificate?"  The nurse politely asked.  

          "Rayden," I whispered, kissing his forehead.  

          "Simple yet complex; I like it," Max said and I laughed.  "C-can I hold him?"  

          "Are you scared of baby Rayden, Max?"  I asked and he blushed a deep crimson color.  Laughing again, I sat up carefully and gently laid Rayden in his father's arms.  Max's awkward hold on Rayden was frightening.  Slowly and deliberately, I adjusted his arms so he was more comfortable - Rayden, I mean.

          "Better?"  He whispered to his son.

          The look on his face was priceless.  The happiness he was feeling lit up the entire room and I felt relief wash over me as they handed me my cell phone.  It was ringing, so I answered it almost immediately. 

          "Mom?"  Suri's soft voice could be heard through the phone.  I smiled right away; her soft voice had comforted me with just one word.  "Mommy, where are you?  Leone said you'd be home an hour ago.  You're late." 

          "Honey, tell Leone to come to the hospital...  I had Rayden!"  I said happily and immediately heard the phone fall to the floor.  Soon after, I could hear Suri cheering in the background and yelling for Leone to get out of the bathroom. 

          After a little while, we chatted and she told me they were on their way to the hospital.  I smiled as they moved me and Rayden to a room to our room.  I breast fed him until he was finished drinking and slowly rocked him to sleep.  

          Not long after, Leone and Suri showed up.  They came in quietly and I was proud of Suri for not waking her baby brother.  I didn't want here at the hospital while I was giving birth because she's become a little scared of the sight of blood. 

          "Oh, mommy...  He's so cute," Suri cooed quietly from beside Rayden's crib.  I smiled over at her and nodded.  I saw Max open his arms, inviting Suri into a hug.  She smiled brightly at him and rushed over, squeeling as he twirled her around in the air. 

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