Mariana POV - Chapter 14

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Seraphina and I were waiting for the timer to go off and once it beeped, she got up and asked me what it means when it has two lines.

I screamed and, in the process, I scared the hell out of her and told her that she is going to have a baby.

She looked at me and went pale and she dropped to the ground and passed out on me.

I screamed here name and ran to her, and I screamed for the doctor, and she ran in along with Santo and Luciano. When Luciano saw Seraphina laying on the floor, he ran to pick her up and brought her inside the room and laid her down on the bed.

He asked me what happened to her, and Santo came out of the restroom holding the pregnancy stick. He had the biggest smile on his face and asked me if he is going to be a grandpa?

I looked at him and smiled yes, he is.

Luciano looked at both of us and then looked down a Seraphina and he asked if he is going to be a father and I smiled at him he immediately picks Seraphina up and hugged her in his arms.

I had the doctor check Seraphina to make sure that she is okay.

Luciano told me that we need to get her into the hospital have a thorough check on her because she took a bad beating from The Punisher when they kidnap her.

Santo agreed right away, and he said that she took a lot of kicks and punches to the stomach. But the doctor told us to go ahead and go with her and she will take her back right away.

Luciano picked up Seraphina bridal style and carried her to the car so that we could take her to the hospital to make sure the baby is okay.

I was a nervous wreck because I just found out that my daughter is pregnant and on top of that I just got my daughter back. I pray that everything is okay for my grandchild and for my daughter!

We arrived at the hospital and Luciano refused to put my daughter down and he carried her inside and we followed the doctor straight to labor and delivery. Seraphina was still unconscious, and

I was a little scared because she has not woken up yet.

The doctor ordered an ultrasound to be completed on her and when they were getting ready to start the ultrasound that is when she came to.

She asks the doctor what is going on and why is she here in the hospital the doctor told her that she is pregnant, and they must do an ultrasound to make sure that the baby is okay.

Seraphina looked at all of us and then she looked at Luciano and he told her that everything is going to be okay! And then she lost it and

she started crying and telling him what if something is wrong with the baby with what they did to her. She said that the baby must be okay!

Luciano went and held her and told her everything will be okay and to let them do the ultrasound so that we can make sure. You could tell that

she was terrified she couldn't stop shaking.

The doctor told her that she needs her to calm down let them begin the ultrasound. When the doctor started the ultrasound, the doctor was moving the wand over her stomach, but she showed Seraphina and Luciano the baby and we all got to hear the heartbeat, the doctor said that the baby is doing fine and that she is a month long.

Seraphina started crying tears of joy she was so happy and hugged Luciano and

he told her that he is so proud of her and that he loves her.

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