Luciano POV - Chapter 19

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I was sitting in my office, and I was frustrated with everything that was going on and I was missing Seraphina because the only time we get to spend with each other is in the night. I heard a knock on my door, and I told them to come in and I was shocked at who walked into my office it was Liliana Rossi. The last time I saw her was when I was 17 years old before I left from Italy when I lost my family. She was my girlfriend at the time, and I never parted ways from her and at that time we were really in love with each other and at one time I was considering on proposing to her. But times have changed, and so have I and I love Seraphina with all my heart, and I could not see myself living without her. Liliana walked into the office, and I stood up and she wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her around her waist. It felt like old times, and it was a nostalgic moment and then I heard the door open, and I looked, and Seraphina was looking at us and I pushed Liliana away from me. By the look on Seraphina's face, I know that she was pissed, and I felt like a hypocrite because I just told her that if any man were ever to come near her that I would kill him. Here I am with another woman in my arms, and it looks like she wants to kill us both.

I told Seraphina that it is not what it looks like, and

she said oh please do not stop on my account. She said that it is what it exactly looked like to her.

It did not help when Liliana told Seraphina that she might as well walk away so that we could catch up on old times.

Seraphina walked up to her and told her bitch do not test me and that she would beat her beyond recognition, and she would not walk out of here.

I knew that Seraphina would beat her ass because Liliana was not that type of girl, and she could not defend herself if her life depended on it.

Liliana looked up at me and she said are you going to let her talk to me like this? Seraphina looked up at me waiting for me to say something and I just shook my head at her.

The look that she gave me I will remember it for the rest of my life. She looked at me like I betrayed her and a part of me felt like I did, but I needed to set Liliana straight first and then go to do damage control with Seraphina. Then Liliana said the stupidest thing ever and told Seraphina yes that's right bitch know your place.

Seraphina hissed and she walked towards the door, and I could feel her looking at us as I looked down at Liliana and she was telling me how much she has missed me. I wanted to kill this stupid girl in front of me and I was trying to keep it together.

Seraphina opened the door and she slammed that shit loud and managed to knock some of the stuff off the walls.

Liliana looked up at me and she said that she has missed me so much and when she tried to wrap her arms around me again. I stepped back from her and

I told her that what we had in the past is just that it is the past. I told her that she has no place in my future and that what she just did right now, she will never do again. I told her that Seraphina is going to be my wife and the mother of my child. I told her that I want her to leave this house and to never come back here again. I told her that I do not want her to come around my wife or my family. I told her to get the fuck out of here now or next time she comes here she will be shot!

She looked up at me and she just nodded her head, and she was completely pale, so I am sure that she got my message loud and clear!

I called one of the guards and they came in and I told them to escort her out and she is not allowed on these premises ever again and if she ever comes here, she will be shot on site! The guard grabbed her by her arm and took her out. I left my office and walked to my room, and I see Mariana on my way, and

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