Chapter 3

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It got easier and easier to talk to you. I thought maybe I would be able to participate in class, but I was so wrong. You just had to bring up your husband. I wish you hadn't.

"Oh, Ms. Mills, you're married? What does he look like? Can we meet him? Are you going to have kids?" All of these stupid, stupid questions filled the room. I was tempted to cover my ears, but I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

You chuckled. Were you embarrassed? Maybe you shouldn't have brought him up. I buried my head in my hands.

"Ok. Well he's tall, handsome, and British. His names Robin." Why does he have to sound so perfect? And why did you have to bring this up? I now realized there was absolutely no chance of anything happening between us now. It was obvious you were straight. I sighed, and tried to block out the conversation of your lover.

Eventually class continued, and pretty soon it was time to go. I stood up, and made my way to the door.

"Have a good one, Emma." I turned around. You had stood up from your desk, and were now facing me. Once again, I couldn't help but stare. You seemed to have put more effort into your outfit today than other days. You were wearing a blue knee length dress, slightly form-fitting. I might add that it was very low cut.

I almost forgot to say something back. "Ok, thanks." I turned around and started to head out.

"Emma." I stopped.

"Yeah?" There was a slight pause.

"Nothing." What?

"Ok." That was weird. I was almost out the door.

"Wait." I turned around, once again.

"Yes?" What did you want to say?

"Can I see you after school?" After school? Like what happened last week? Like us having a normal conversation?

"Yea, sure." I didn't even know what you wanted to talk about, but I wasn't going to turn down a private meeting with you.

"Ok, thanks. See you then."


The next few classes went by in a blur. All that was on my mind was our get together after school. What did you want? Was I in trouble? I ask a lot of questions.

Pretty soon it was the end of the day. My giddiness went away, and was replaced by anxiety. I walked up to your room. The door was open, so I knocked on the frame.

"Emma." Slight pause. "My room is going to be used by the robotics team today. Let's find somewhere else." Somewhere else? Like where? My mind went through a billion different places.

We walked down the hallway in silence. It was a nice silence, though. It wasn't weird. We stood slightly apart, enough to be a bit awkward. I debated drifting closer, but sided against it.

We stopped at a door that lead to the teachers' lounge. My heart started to pound a little faster. I snuck a glance up at your face. It seemed emotionless. I think you may have seen me look at you, but pretended not to notice.

With your delicate hands, you placed your key in the door. I took the chance to look at your hands. Skillfully manicured, and not a wrinkle in sight. The only thing that bothered me was the expensive looking ring on your left hand.

The teachers' lounge was surprisingly empty. I figured after school the teachers would stay here to grade papers and what not, but there was not a body in sight. I smiled. Just us.

"Ok, let's go sit over there." You motioned to a couch in the corner. My mind raced with questions. There were plenty of tables, why the couch? What is going on?

We made our way over to the couch. I sat down, you stood there for a moment.

"Cocoa? Tea? I can see if we have coffee, but I'm not sure-"

"I'm good, thanks." What's the occasion?

"Alright, suit yourself." You continued to brew yourself some tea (I think it was green, my favorite), and eventually sat down across from me. Only a couple of feet between us.

"Ms. Mills. What is this all about? I'm pretty sure I did all my homework, pretty accurate too, and I don't think I've - "

"Emma." I looked up. You were staring at me. God. Your eyes. They were just brown, but when the light hit them at just the right angle, they were golden. I tried to look away, but your eyes locked with mine. I so desperately wanted to grab your collar, pull you close, kiss your full lips, but I couldn't. Not here. Not now. Not ever. I cleared the thought away and tried to prepare myself for what we were going to talk about, but nothing could have readied me for what you said.


wow ok is this getting good? Idk, i wrote this chapter a few days ago. I hope it's good. I was going to continue to write about Robin, but tbh it got dull. Sorry for all you oq shippers out there. I may end up adding him in in later chapters...;-----)

ANYWHO thank you ALL for voting/reading/commenting/etc!!!1!1!! 45 reads WOOT. welp i hope you guys keep on reading, and if you like it, YOU REVIEW OR COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME IDEAS AND SHIT. WHATEVS. thank youuuuuuu

<3 Emma

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