Part 3: Confession

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Morning comes and you feel sick to your stomach. Your body aches and is so sore trying to get out of bed. One of the last things you ever wanted to do now is to go to school today but instead of yesterday, today you have a reason. If you don't make it to all of school today then you won't be allowed to participate in the play that you've been working hard on all year. Plus, Chase said he would see you at school and you do not want to disappoint him.

You manage to make it to your first class even though you aren't feeling well. You sit down in your desk which you forget was next to Chase's. Chase came in and smiled at you, a smile that showed he was truly happy you made it to school. You smile at him back, probably the biggest smile you've had in that class. "Good morning" he says.

"Good morning," you say back, happy to see him in a different way this class than the classes you've had together in the past.

The teacher hands back the quizzes you had taken yesterday and you see your score, a C+. Chase sees your grade and says, "hey, that's way better than you thought you did!" The both of you laughed and you have to agree, you were expecting an F.

Your ex-crush looks across the room at you and you accidentally look back at him. You notice a bruise along his jawline, probably from when Chase hit him and saved you. His eyes on you however make you start to feel more shy and wish you could disappear so that he wouldn't look at you ever again. Chase sees him looking at you and touches your arm under the desk to remind you that he's here. You look back into Chase's eyes and feel safe again.


It's lunch time and you see Saige sitting at the lunch table with some of your friends. She sees you at the same time you see her and starts running towards you. Running to her too, the both of you meet and hug so tight. "I missed you so much! I'm so glad you're feeling better!" You say.

"I missed you so much too! Two days felt like forever to be sick."

"It sure did," you say realizing how much has happened in only two days. After hugging Saige, you remember Chase behind you. Since realizing his "friends" were real jerks, you told him he could sit with your friends. "Oh Saige, this is Chase, the new kid." She gives a surprised and proud look then says hi to Chase.

"So you're her best friend that's talked so much of," he tells.

When arriving at the lunch table, you asked Chase if it would be ok if he sits with your other guy friends while you catch up with Saige, and he said it's totally fine.

You and Saige sat a little further away and you tell her everything that's happened. When telling her that Mark slapped you, she slammed her hands on the table and jumped up. "WHAT?" She yelled. Some people looked at you guys then looked away.

"Shush!!! Sit down now! I don't want anyone to know except you and Chase."

"oops sorry, but still, what?! I can't believe that."

"What happened next was worse.... They all started kicking me while I was on the ground..." Her jaw dropped and then I could tell she was about to start spilling out words so I reached across the table to cover her mouth."

But then you continued too explain how Chase beat them up, drove you home, and the special moments you had at his house. Saige was so shocked and so happy for you. "I can't believe that! He even held your hand? That means he just has to like you!"


It's finally the night of the play, and you are so very nervous. Nearly the whole school is coming, which might include some of the mean boys... ugh you don't want to think abut that. You're excited that Chase and Saige will be there to support you and some of your other friends from lunch too. They don't know that you have one of the main roles, however. How did you, the "shy girl" get chosen for such a huge role anyways? But that doesn't matter now, the truth is, you're not just shy but you love acting too, and so tonight is your chance to prove that to everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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