Chapter 7

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I suck at writing fight scenes so it might be bad so I don't know if you will like it or not. Here we go.

The pack were ready to fight anything. But they were still stunned when they heard Gerard's voice outside. They hear shock evident in Allison's voice as she mumbles "But dad said.... Gerard would not.... come."

They wince when Gerard shouts outside"Let's end this lowly mutts." A growl erupted from within Derek, eventhough Gerard was not part of their plan he is pleased that he came because he wanted to rip Argents to shreds painting his clothes and body  with Gerard's blood. Take revenge for his family. But he will wait till he enters or their plan would be ruined. Derek can feel that there are 15-20 hunters coming through door. He can see it was not only him Peter, Allison, Aiden and Ethan also wanted to slaughter them. Peter lost her sister and wife in the fire, Allison's mom was killed brutally from hands of Gerard and Aiden&Ethan lost their adoptive family and their Alpha who loved them like her own children.

When Argents entered Gerard took half of them with him upstairs and ordered half towards where they were situated. The pack shifts into their Beta form getting into their fighting stance. From their hiding spot they can see weapon laced with wolfsbane. Derek nodded at Jackson and Cora who were close to the people at the end. They got down from the ceiling without making a noise gripping the 2 hunters gagging their mouths and snapping their necks without letting their body drop. A guy turned back and was about to shout when Derek dropped from the ceiling putting one hand over the guys mouth and clawing at his chest from the other. He pushes his claws deep where his heart was and ripping it out of his chest. The hunters turn when they hear muffled noise but before they can react Scott takes the gun away from the guy and kicks at his chest snarling. Jordan comes down from his spot burning the  hunter who was going to shoot Cora with his bow. Kira slashes the head from one hunters body when he was going to swipe her with his knife as Danny claws another one's chest. They look towards Allison when they hear  her talking with hunter "Matt. You should stop. You know what Argents do they kill without motive." The guy, Matt snarls at her"You are one to talk. You are an Argent but now... you are monster who needs to be put down" He goes to stab her but before he could Allison dodges it and goes behind him chocking him as she says"I'm not a Monster. You are, Gerard and others who stand with him are" as she snaps his neck letting it fall on the ground with a thump.

She turns back to them as Jackson rushes to her side and kisses her saying "Ally you are such a badass" Allison giggles going for another kiss. All of them groan as Derek realises how it really feels when someone shows PDA infront of you when you don't have your other half by your side but that does not mean he is going to stop with it, he will still kiss,cuddle and do everything with Stiles infront of people because he wants everyone to know who Stiles belongs to. Yes he is possessive but only with his Stiles.

They run upstairs when they heard shooting noises and Malia's shout of pain. Derek without looking anywhere goes straights towards Gerard who was shooting at Peter. Derek clutches him from back of his neck and lifts him up as Gerard curses and shouts. He snarls in Gerard's ear "This is for my family and next will be your daughter." Derek puts his claws on his neck and snaps Gerard's neck letting the blood cover his hands and face. He feels a wave of satisfaction when he hears Gerard's lifeless body fall on his feet. Before he could register Peter is on to of the dead bodh clawing at its face and chest as tears stream down his face "YOU TOOK MY SISTER FROM ME. MY WIFE FROM ME" Peter shouts as he keeps clawing making the body unrecognisable Derek grabs Peter off the body as he says"Uncle control yourself. It's fine he is dead. Look at Malia" The words controls Peter's anger as he looks towards Malia who is on the ground whimpering. Derek let's go off his uncle who quickly goes towards Malia asking"Hey Mal, you okay?" Malia nods and says wheezing"Just a bullet." They all sigh in relief

Derek says"Uncle take her to Deaton. We will handle here." He looks at Kira who looks like she wants to go with Malia. "Kira you can go too." Kira beams at him and goes with Peter and Malia. Malia looking more than pleased. Scott asks"Do we have to clean up?" Derek looks at the bodies feeling some satisfaction for avenging his family a little. It will only be fully avenged when Kate also dies. He says "No, I want all those hunters who kill our kind mercilessly without a freaking reason to see this." All of them nod without questioning.

After they have reached Hale house the couples leave for their rooms as Derek goes to his alone missing his Stiles. When he is taking shower letting all the blood wash he mind shifts to what his mate will be doing now maybe playing games, singing loudly. He chuckles when he remembers Stiles singing 'Fantasy' loudly in his loft as Derek was downstairs listening to his mate with a big grin. He turns off the shower and raps towel around his waist.

He takes out sweats from the cupboard wearing it when his phone chimes indicating there is a message. He smiles when Stiles name pops on the screen.
Hey babe, you asleep yet?
Grinning Derek calls his mate "Why are you not sleeping?" Stiles sighs on other side whining says"I don't know. It difficult to sleep when you are not here. I have had the best sleep since the day you were with me here. It's you anc-anchor me." Derek was smiling but goes stiff when he hears the 'a' word eventhough it is just a word but it is very rare when used by humans."Der you there?" He stops his thoughts and says"Don't worry. I will come over. I also can't sleep without you" "Okay Der." After hanging Derek packs some of his clothes in a duffel bag and wears his jacket over a black henley decking to stay on sweatpants.

He sees the pack eating pizza from the doorway of living room Isaac in Scott's arm cuddling beside them Kira on Malia's lap same for Jacks&Ally. Aiden arms are around Lyds who are with Danny&Ethan on the other couch. Erica is on Boyd's lap talking about clothes with Lydia, Cora between Jordan's legs who is kissing back of her neck which Derek ignored because he is not the typical overprotective brother and he knows how dangerous Cora is. He also notices Peter and Liam coming from the kitchen holding load of packets of chips, drinks and popcorns.

They look up at him when he enters "I'm going to Stiles loft. Please be careful and try to don't act like 5 yr old kids. Yes I mean you too Scott"Derek says giving him a pointed look that clearly says'Feel free to correct me but be ready for consequences' They nod at him. He sees Alfred coming towards them"Alf I'm going to Stiles house." To which Alfred just raises his eyebrows "Who is Stiles?" Then Derek remembers he never told Alf about Stiles. He was about to speak when Lydia cuts him off"Derek you go to Stiles loft. We will explain it to Alf." She says getting up from Jackson's lap and pulling Alf on the seat. He smiles at his pack before leaving.

He parks outside Stiles loft he can hear Stiles excited heartbeat which makes him smile. After getting out he runs for Stiles floor he can't wait to see Stiles, kiss him, cuddle him, listen to his babble. He knocks on the door which opens in a second and Stiles jumps on Derek's arms wrapping his legs around him like a Koala. Derek laughs "Hey honey" and gets blessed with Stiles blush and smile "Hey babe". He holds Stiles waist with one arm around him and closes the door with other hand after they get in.

Derek gives Stiles a chaste kiss and puts the duffel bag down. He puts both his arms around Stiles who is smiling at him as he climbs the stairs. Derek puts him down on bed gently as he takes his shoes and jacket off before climbing in the bed. Stiles quickly nuzzles on his chest as Derek raps his arms around him tucking his chin on Stiles head. He hears Stiles muffled voice "Goodnight Der-Der" Derek smiles and says"Goodnight moon of life." He can feel curve of Stiles smile on his chest. And yes they really can't sleep without each other.

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