Chapter 16

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Derek ends his phonecall informing the guy Sean to research about Stiles PC. He wears his jacket and smiles when he sees Stiles snoring lightly. He crouches down and puts his hand on Stiles head and is shocked by the hot temperature. I can't take him straight to home. He needs to go to hospital.

He picks up Stiles again and his wolf preens when Stiles snuggles to him, he smiles confused when Stiles mumbles "Derek..don't.... leave..." I don't get it if he talks about me in his sleep then why did he leave. Derek sighs as he pushes the door open and goes towards the elevator. He sees Mary look at them, he thinks she will make some snide comment but the women just smiles smugly and gives a thumbs up as she presses the underground floor button.

He sees the driver near the car. "Don't worry Jake. I will take the Camaro can you just open the front seat." The driver nods smiling and Derek is pleased he doesn't question why he's carrying Stiles because after Erica and other shouted Stiles name , he maybe already have idea. He thanks Jake as he settles Stiles in the front seat, he smiles when Stiles doesn't let his jacket go like a kid before he takes the keys and drives off to the the hospital.

Stiles feels lightheaded and well rested, he can feel a soft pillow, he flutters opens his eyes and looks around Hospital? How did I get here? Stiles eyes then fall on the dominating figure sitting on the chair "You were burning hot so I decided to bring you to hospital instead of taking you home and also..." he clears his throat as he continues "I didn't know where you live."

Stiles sits up as he hears Derek, he smiles when Derek mentions about him not knowing about the address. He looks down at his arm where a pin is attached to the saline solution How bad my fever. Well it was his fault for making me work overtime.

Stiles and Derek leave the hospital, Stiles smiles sadly when he sees the Camaro parked as old memories floods his mind. "Come on I'll take you home." Derek says as he gestures for him to get in. Stiles panics and says nervously "N-No need. I can just taxi." Derek looks at him unimpressed as he says "Just get on the car yourself or I will make you?" Stiles so much wants to punch him in handsome face right now I can't let you know my address you idiot and when is he gonna fix his eyebrow problem."So where do you live?" Derek asks him as he opens Stiles door.

Stiles tries avoid it as he kicks the nonexistent stone "Even if I told you, you wouldn't be able to find it." Derek straightens up as he says "Is that so?" Well a Alpha doesn't like challenges. Stiles raises his arm defensively "There are many roads, I was just saying for your benefit." Derek smirks as he says "Don't worry Mr.Stilinski. I've got time." That's how Stiles ended on Derek's car. Derek tries to hide his smile when he sees Stiles pouting the whole way.

When they are infront of Stiles apartment, he gets off the car. "Thank you Mr.Hale." he says gritting when he sees Derek smirking at him. "So since I dropped you off in less time. I think you should treat me to dinner for my help?" Stiles fumes when the word's get out of his boss's mouth Dinner for your help? You were the reason I was there at first place. He stops when he hears his neighbour's voice "Stiles, who's this handsome guy? Introduce us!" "NO" Stiles looks at his neighbour coming towards them with Lia who shouts cheerfully "Stiwes"

Derek looks at the pair coming towards them, he gets a weird aura from the lady, it's not bad but it makes him a little suspicious. He looks down when someone tugs at his pants and he is met with hazel eyes and cute voice asking "Uncle You are really good-looking." Derek is surprised by the complement. Lia looks towards Stiles with a big grin as she asks "Stiwes is he your friend?"

Stiles gapes unable to form words as his neighbor whispers in his ear slyly "Or maybe boyfriend?" He turns to her and sees her smirking, his face flushed before he glares at Derek who snorts Douchebag. "Actually he's my company's CEO" Derek looks at interaction happening before his eyes Who is this little girl? Why did she call Stiles by his name and it seems like they have a strong relationship and she looks so much like him, same upturned nose, his playful aura, his moles Is she my daughter? Or what if Stiles married...He shakes his head at the thought of Stiles marrying someone else.

While Derek is busy in his thoughts Lia is beside Stiles and Mrs.Zimmermen, she turns to the neighbor as she asks "Nana what is CEO?" Mrs.Zimmermen smiles as she replies "The boss honey." Stiles sighs thankful he taught Lia to not call him Mom infront of strangers, well though Derek's not a stranger but still.

Nana?Honey? Maybe she isn't Stiles' Just then the little girl comes infront of Derek and holds his hand. Derek looks down at the beaming face "Unca can you do me favor?" Derek smiles and crouches to her level as he pats her head "Go ahead." His smile widens when the girl pouts like Stiles "Can you please not keep working Stiwes overtime? Grandpa John-athan told me only boss can give permission." Derek chuckles as he asks "Tell me your name first then I will promise to not overwork Stiwes." Lia holds her hand out like she saw her Mommy do many times as she says "My name is Talia Claudia Stilinski and I'm three years old." Derek feels the world coming crashing down at his feet when he hears those words, he looks at Stiles gaping.

Stiles closes his eyes, wincing. Tears threatens to spill over his eyes when he hears Lia say her full name. When he opens them again, he sees Derek looking at him and feels hurt at the betrayed and pained look in his eyes. He looks at Mrs.Zimmerman who stands confused at the awkward silence "Mrs.Zimmerman Can you please take Lia inside?" His neighbour nods without asking any questions.

Derek who was crouching infront Lia doesn't want his daughter to go away but he let's the old lady take her because he doesn't want to have a serious conversation infront of the child, he reluctantly lets the tiny hand slip away from his. My daughter. How can he not tell me? Hide such a big thing from me? I'm her father for god sake.

He stands and glares at Stiles as he move towards him clinching his jaws, as his eyes burn red. Stiles looks at Derek scared and flinches when he sees the hunk of a man coming towards him, he moves backward and whimpers "D-Derek-"

Tell me you are happy. I was actually going to take more time but I really hate it when other authors keep a suspense about the revelation things so I am not gonna do that to you guys. My sweet unicorns. * in Meg's voice*

Lots of love

If anyone has ideas for how to have Winchester Mafia thing please you can give me ideas because I'm still confused and unsure with some things.

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