Chapter 14

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Stiles has decided to take a break and go clubbing on Mrs.Zimmermen's comment that he needs to get a life. Seriously sometimes Stiles forgets that she is older than him. So here he is with Theo going to their friends club.

"Oh I'm so going to enjoy this night. It's been to long since we've gone out." Theo exclaims intertwining their arms. Stiles has to agree it really has been too long. Since Lia was born he stopped going to these places mostly because club were the first place he knew his sexuality when Scott dragged him to a gay club in there hometown.

He's dressed in a simple white Tee with blue jeans and Derek's jacket, he knows it's not the sexiest outfit but whenever he wears the jacket he feels Derek close to him. Beside him babbling happily Theo is dressed in a Darkgreen henley with Black skinny jeans which definitely attracts lots of guys gaze to him.

When they are inside they fix themselves to the bar chairs ordering a cocktail for himself and Theo orders something strong for himself since he's keen on getting laid but Stiles knows he's gonna pass out before that and he will have to carry him.

Someone slips their hands on both their arms as a face comes in between making Stiles and Theo frown before beam "What are loving things like you doing in a bad place like this?" Stiles elbows the guy lightly on his stomach as Theo just glares "Ryan Stop it. I was about to maul you for touching." He scowls at Ryan's fake pout "You hurt me Sti." Beside them Theo cackles "That's not a least bit convincing. Tried harder Ryan" Ryan glares at him and jumps over the counter "So what can I get you gentleman?"

So, Ryan is the bar owner and very wealthy guy, Stiles met him one day on a bench where he was sleeping after getting drunk through a bad breakup with his last girlfriend. Stiles helped him and they met again when he and Theo were eating on a restaurant which was also owned by him and since then they became friends.

Whole night is filled with talking and laughing and at the end like Stiles predicted he ended up carrying Theo home. "I will take you guys home. I don't think it's safe in the neighbourhood in nighttime" Stiles smiles softly and tries to refuse but Ryan doesn't let him, so Stiles agrees. They laugh when Theo wakes up and starts mumbling about refusing to go to school. Stiles settles on backseat with Theo's head in his lap still babbling like a 2 yr old. Ryan starts his car driving to Stiles apartment.

What they didn't know was Derek who came from the VIP room was following Stiles with his eyes and glaring at the guy. He smashes the glass on his hand when he sees the owner of the club leaving with Stiles. He doesn't even register the other party who came meeting.

Next Day(office):
Derek was not having a good day, he didn't sleep all night thinking about Stiles and his maybe new family, he's searched through all files none of them mention anything, he spilled the burning coffee on his legs when he crushed the cup thinking about Stiles with another guy, then Erica has gone back to give everyone news of finally finding Stiles meaning he has to do the work on his own. He got hit on by the HR departments head Braen or Braeden something, which pleasantly ignore but she doesn't seem yo get the hint. He takes his place on the chair and waits for Stiles to barge in through the door.

Stiles is happy that he doesn't have a big hangover next day but he can't say same for his friend whose face is planted to table drowning in his own drool giving Stiles the urge to puke. "Mama what happen to unca Theo?" Lia asks from her high chair looking curiously at Theo. Stiles smiles and ruffles her hair "Nothing sweetheart, he's just an outcome of too much drama." Lia doesn't understand but stops questioning and starts playing with her toy wolf. Stiles hears Theo saying through his spit "I heard you." Stiles make a disgusted noise and smacks Theo upside the head "Get up. We have to still go to work." Theo gets up tries to wipe his drool and grumbles "Okkkkkk Mooooom" Stiles just glares at him as he passes him a box of tissues.

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