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Guys this chapter is literally all sex. Like there's no plot. If you wanna skip it you won't miss anything lmao

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It's been three days.

Marley has done absolutely nothing but research, and he's yet to really put much together. It's a lot of information, and it can be pretty overwhelming at times. Nero has left him alone for the most part, tending to Drey's needs and keeping the others occupied.

Marley wakes up to the sound of metal clanking against ceramic. He doesn't feel rested at all, but still rolls over, proceeding to zone out at the ceiling for the next few minutes.

Voices that don't belong to the other two residents of the room, however, are what actually get him to sit up and process his surroundings.

Drey is sitting at their little kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal, giving away the source of the sounds that woke Marley in the first place. Eli is dining with her, and they seem to be pretty immersed in conversation. Next, Marley finds Nero leaning against the far wall, speaking with Lola, Lenny, and Bren. Looks like the whole crew is here and Marley's just woken up to the party.

Marley stretches, gaining the attention of Nero, who glances over at him with a raised brow. Marley doesn't acknowledge it, getting to a standing position and making his way to the bathroom.

Marley brushes his teeth and washes his face, zoning out at the mirror for a few more minutes. More ceramic metal sounds bring him back to reality and he leaves, walking back over to he and Nero's bed. Immediately, Marley takes out his laptop and tries to remember where he'd left off the night before.

"Okay, I'm sorry, what is that child wearing?"

Marley glances up from the screen to find Lola staring at Drey. At Marley's look, she meets his eyes with raised eyebrows. Nero looks confused at her outburst so Marley decides to respond, voice groggy;

"Her pajamas?"

"She's wearing khaki shorts and a swim shirt, Marley." Lola replies, appearing disturbed. She just answered her own question. Marley doesn't have time for this.

"What about it?" Nero responds. Lola looks unbelievably offended and confused, while Bren appears to agree with whatever point she's trying to make. What, does she have a problem with Drey's sense of style?

"Drey, do you like your clothes?" Eli asks the little girl.

Drey looks down and examines her attire for a few moments. Then, she responds, "I like da shark ones."

Then, Lola asks, "do you want to go buy some more?"

That's how the entire crew (aside from Nero, Marley, and Lenny, who decided he'd sleep all day) ended up taking Drey out for a day of shopping. Marley can't help but to feel offended, because sure he's not the greatest at matching clothes and whatnot...especially for a girl...but this is insulting. He and Nero tried their best!

Marley still gives them some money, though, since he's an upstanding guy.

An hour later and Marley's focusing on his work, or at least trying to, but he keeps getting distracted.

Why, you may be wondering?

Nero. That's why.

The guy has completely wrapped himself around Marley from behind, much like their position from a few days ago. He has also been complaining for the last ten minutes.

"You've been working nonstop, just take a fucking break."

Marley elbows Nero's thigh accidentally. "No. We're in a time crunch, Stupid."

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