❀Chapter One❀

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【Notes: Attempted rape/Non-Con, 18+, drugs, vigilante au

Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Runamisaki/works】

Lying on the dark and cramped alley was Bakugou Katsuki, the leader of an underground vigilante group named Xeros. The man was groaning in pain from a stabbing injury on his left side of stomach. The weather just happened to mock his negligence by pouring a heavy rain on him. Katsuki was a confident and powerful man, both physically and in title. By the age of 20, he managed to form a vigilante group that was well-known for exterminating some drug dealers, slavery & prostitution markets, and many more crimes on the list in which polices didn't manage to clean up. Funny how his organization was the one doing all the dirty jobs behind the scene. He couldn't care less though, they got paid for that after all.

As for today, he was about to infiltrate a mafia headquarters, but the plan failed because he was being too arrogant. He managed to flee despite having a deep injury, guilt slowly creeping from the bottom of his heart. He didn't have time to check on whether any of his team members managed to flee or . . . perhaps already killed. He cursed under his breath. Reaching for the back pocket of his jeans, he took his phone out and dialed his best friend-also a member of his team-Kirishima. The other one answered with a concerned voice, asking him if he was okay and where he could pick him up.

"Fucking hell, Kirishima come get me at XX street, by the alley. Is everyone alive there?"

"I'm on my way, sir. Yes, everyone managed to flee successfully, some having minor injuries. You sound like you aren't doing well though, should I go with a doctor?"

Even though Kirishima was Katsuki's best friend, he was still his underling thus the formal pronoun was spoken.

"I'm barely alive. Come here in few minutes or ya gonna see me die, shitty hair." He hissed from talking quiet a lot, holding his left side of stomach.

"Damn Bakugou, make sure you stay alive when I arrive!" The red head knew his friend was trying his best to sound okay, he hurried himself to the location.

The call was cut as Katsuki leaned on the wall behind him, lying in wait for Kirishima. His eyes were slowly about to fall down in which he tried to fight back. He couldn't die here, there's still a lot of problems he gotta deal with. This fucking city still needed him to clean up some shitty crimes.

When his eyes were about to close, he could see a greenette boy running to him. The stranger was speaking something with a worried tone, his voice was soothing though. Katsuki couldn't hold on any longer as he finally closed his eyes, lying unconciously.

The boy was freaking out seeing the spiky blonde man unconscious, he quickly took hold of him and carried him to his apartment. Katsuki was a big and muscly man compared to the greenette, carrying him must be hard on the little one, but he succeeded.

Upon the time Katsuki regained his conscious, his eyes slowly scanned the surrounding. He saw a different ceiling from his house, the room was small and filled with posters of some hero figures he knew from a tv show. He was laid on a bed which had teddy and bunny plushies around, he thought to himself for a moment, 'I thought I saw a boy and not a girl?'. He tried to sit up but the pain on his left side forced him back to lie down. He looked down to see himself half-naked, his injury was bandaged nicely. Then the stranger who seemed to just saved his ass peeked over from the door, a flash of beautiful smile painted his face. He wasn't mistaken, it really was a boy, and a pretty one on top.

"You are awake! Thank God, I thought to myself what would I do if I found you were dead! I don't even know you a-and I don't find any identity card on you!"

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