you are enough🤍💫

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And through everything I must tell you, you are enough, irrespective of who says or does what. you are more than enough and you'll always be and that is not to be forgotten. it is genuinely hurtful to pour your heart out, to try your very best and still have your efforts invalidated or unappreciated. and I know hurts, it hurts awfully. like growing a garden full of roses only for it to be trampled upon till it looks like the remains of a forest fire. but you need to know you live for yourself, you could be the sweetest and the ripest fruit in the orchard but there will be someone who doesn't like fruits and doesn't see your worth but that does not in the least mean you should hold that perspective of yourself.

you are beautiful and what you do, should be done for yourself.
there is no remedy for being told you're not enough, there exists no elixir to suddenly make you good enough but what can be done, is do it for the process and don't think of anything more. whatever you do stands a chance of being destroyed, crushed, don't let it spread to your rigor samsa.

do things to make you happy, to make you feel lighter, to make you a better person, for you never know what lies ahead.
you could grow a tiny plant and someone would either praise your little herb or curse it, calling it a weed and you never who may do that, so enjoy the path, put your heart and soul more into tending to that small plant than into what someone will say. save your heart from the criticism and remember your worth all along the way. you need to repeatedly remind yourself, that as long as you are doing well and taking care of yourself, that as long as your mind is at peace, you are enough.

the sun doesn't seek validation from the sky, it doesn't ask if it is enough, it just fits and we all know it's worth, yet it disappears at night, just enough to rejuvenate itself and shine in all it's glory all over again, every single day.
so unfailingly, like the sun that continues to glow, the breeze that continues to swift past and the flowers that never fail to bloom, remember each second that you fit perfectly into this world, that you are worth it and this place wouldn't be as beautiful without you because you will always be enough to those who truly know.

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