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hello there, first of all thank you for taking time out to read this, secondly I want you to know that whatever you're feeling is totally valid and if you ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to message me ( on @zentanglesforlife)

so here it is, it's a global pandemic and this is the first time we're living through it, hopefully the last time too. For whatever reason you're feeling lonely, you need to understand that it is alright, this is a difficult time and as much as we could wish for a manual or a book filled with guidelines on how to get through this, there is no such resource other than just loving and making peace with yourself. Please be kind to your soul, because this is hard, do not beat yourself up over the fact that you can't or have no one to call, or have long chats with over texts or the flashy and trendy video calls with friends. Do not be harsh on yourself for not living according to others norms and comforts of others; you are yours and yours alone, you are your priority so whatever comforts you will suffice, even if that doesn't work for the remaining 99% of people.
Being lonely is almost like a sickness, it is temporary discomfort, an unsettling feeling in your bones but it eventually passes, leaving you feeling whole again and more immune. The only way sickness is healed, is when your body and mind is willing and determined to fight it, to drive out the pathogens and fill yourself with all things good and healthy. This is done by a doctor's prescription and warm words by well wishes, family or friends or both, or just a little belief in yourself.
So connect.
I know it is easier said than done, but there isn't another choice. The only way to fill the void of connection you feel in your chest, is to replace it, to put into it, what it deserves, what belongs there, the kindness and warmth of other individuals. And it may seem like a daunting task to reach out to somebody, but it really isn't. All you have to do is just drop a text, reply to a story or maybe even leave a missed call, telling somebody you'd like to connect. And when you do so, you really may be overthrown by a cocktail of emotions, because you start to notice what you've been missing and when it flows your way, you'll suddenly find yourself at such peace. But first learn to be at peace with yourself on your own because the only person that'll forever be with you, is you. So start today, start small, but do start. And what people may tell you, is replaying old memories, reading old chats or skimming through pictures may trigger loneliness
But here's what they wont tell you,
That you can use this as an opportunity to heal and to grow. Just going through those can remind you that you are not alone and you never will be, it will remind you of all the good times when you were wrapped with bright cheer and smiles and laughter and that all you have to do to experience it again is just reach out and that warm, fuzzy feeling will be yours again. It will also remind you that there are people out there that miss you too and want to be touched by your vibe, that there is a world brimming with humans to love and who will love you in return and all you have to do is believe, have faith and a little bit of courage.

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