26: Concert Extravaganza

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Ayesha's POV,
I was standing outside the entrance nervously with sweaty palm and a racing heart. I jumped screaming as Armaan suddenly came from behind and shook my shoulders.

"Armaan! Don't do that?! I almost got a heart attack!" I scolded him hitting his arm.

"Ow!" He complained cutely rubbing his arm.
"Don't tell me, are you really this nervous to meet my parents? Ayesha! They love you more than they love me. Tsk! I should be the one nervous right now." He pouted like a baby. Aww!

I giggled at his cute reaction making my nervousness dial down a little.

He took my hand entangling his fingers with mine as we walked in.

Armaan's POV,
"Mom, Dad... I have to tell you something!" I said excitedly although I was a tiny bit worried for thier reaction.

"What is it son?" Dad asked

"Mom... Dad.... I want you to meet my girlfriend." I grinned.

They both shared a look of surprise.
"You're girlfriend? So you finally found a girl for yourself... that's wonderful beta!" Mom said hugging me.

"Wait. Don't be soo happy. Having a girlfriend at a time when his career is at it's peak....it can be dangerous." Dad said skeptically.

"Don't worry Dad. She's not like a person who'd want limelight by being with me. She just loves me as a person and for who I am...not my popularity or fame. And guess what? You already know her!" I said.

"Really? Who is it?" Mom asked then she gasped and a huge smile came on her face....
"Oh my! Is it...

"Save your joy for later Mom. I'm going to bring my girlfriend at dinner tonight to meet you." I announced.

"Oh Ayesha! I'm soo happy beta! So you finally found your love." Mom said holding her hand at the dinning table.

Ayesha just blushed.
"Yes I did." She said looking at me and I couldn't help but smile.

"I couldn't think of anyone better than you for my son. Now I hope my Amaal could find someone soo special like you too." She added.

"Don't worry Mom. I won't fall far behind." Bhai said winking.

And we all had our dinner laughing and chatting. Ayesha getting more attention from Mom more than her own sons. Still, it was one of the happiest family dinner of my life. With her here....it really felt like she was already a part of our family.

I had to fly to Canada for my concert. I tried by utmost to convince my dear girlfriend to join me but she strictly said she couldn't. Also, her Dad scares me so I didn't dare to ask her parents' permission either. All this practice, pressure and everything is soo tiring. I wish she was here.

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