~ Chapter Two ~

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"I-i-is t-this M-mr Gilbert's clas-s" I stammered out, as soon as I entered the class 25 sets of eyes were boring into me I could feel my breathing getting quicker and my face becoming hot and flushed I nervously looked down silently begging for e...

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"I-i-is t-this M-mr Gilbert's clas-s" I stammered out, as soon as I entered the class 25 sets of eyes were boring into me I could feel my breathing getting quicker and my face becoming hot and flushed I nervously looked down silently begging for everyone to stop looking at me. A soft voice from the front of the class snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Find a seat pet... you'll be able to catch up" He said with a warm and welcoming smile. With that he went back to talking to the class.

I quickly scanned the room for an empty seat, finally my eyes fell on one near the back next to a window, quickly as I can I sat down pulled out my pencil case and water bottle. Once I was settled my chair jerked sideways, I nervously looked up and saw the most handsome man I've ever seen he had short cropped brown hair, deep brown eyes and I could already tell he was tall just by looking at him. I then realized that he is the one who shouted at me when I bumped into him.

"S-s-sorry" I whispered apprehensively

A look of confusion crossed his face "Angel, why are you apologizing " his deep voice mumbled to me. Crumpets he doesn't like me I thought. I could feel my chest get tighter and my eyes start to water, I looked up at him anxiously, the mask of confusion and anger melted away and a soft look entered his eyes. Gently his large, soft yet ruff hands cupped my face forcing my eyes to meet his.

"Green" he murmured to himself

As a lone tear escaped me, I made a whimper trying to calm my breathing.

"Take a deep breath baby... that's its breath in ... your ok angel" he whispered to me. His soft and encouraging words helped me and after a couple minutes I snapped out my trance I nervously looked away from him only now noticing a handful of people whisper and looking our way.

While writing down the notes that the teacher has given us i started to feel my dress move up my thigh. Gasping i looked to find my mystery man looking at the teacher, when a large hand gripped my inner thigh a satisfied looking smirk layed upon his lips. Gasping and pulling my thighs together i held in a nervous giggle. 

"Shh baby listen to the teacher" he said to me with a smirk

I blushed and quickly nodded.

When Mr Gilbert dismissed, I carefully packed everything and looked at my timetable, I have an hour and a half break. Feeling anxious again I wondered were to go.

"You ready baby" a voice said

I saw the guy I was sat next to, giving him a confused look he answered me "I saw you have a hour  break, so do I so I thought I'll take you to the lunch and we can get something to eat" he replied like it was obvious

"B-b-but I don't know y-y-your name" I questioned

"It's James baby what's your name?" he smirked back

"It's Charlotte b-b-but you can call me l-l-Lottie"

He instantly gabbed my bag in his left hand and my hand in his other, he must have noticed my nerves because he kept rubbing my hand with his thumb, helping me feel calm. When we were walking through the corridors, I noticed that everyone was talking and pointing to us. With my empty hand I reached over and tugged on James's jacket he instantly looked down at me.

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