A Weakened Heart Now Refreshed.

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Blake wheezed as he awoke. He sat up only to have pain roaring through his body. He collapsed on the ground and struggled to even breathe. His father surprisingly appeared over him and got him to the couch. His father left for a moment before coming back with a cold washcloth. He placed it on Blake's neck and gripped his hand for a moment. Blake mumbled something as he fell asleep. He was woken up to the smell of food a few minutes later. He opened his eyes to see his dad holding a plate of food.

"Geht es dir gut Du bist in deinem Zimmer zusammengebrochen. Und du warst extrem schwach." Blake's eyes drifted into his father's. Words didn't need to fly as his father sighed. "Sie sollen heute kleinere Arbeiten erledigen. Ich möchte nicht, dass Sie sich in Ihrem Zustand beeilen."

"Ja Vater..." Blake mumbled weakly. He ate his breakfast as fast as his body would let him. His father eyed him as he ate. He hummed as Blake went into his room for his things. He went out as Blake came out. The shaking boy gulped as he went out and took off for the market. He stumbled a couple times due to his weakness, but he was able to get to the crowd. His voice wasn't working so he jumped over the crowd. He landed and then the whole world seemed to spin. He paused before walking to the sweet elderly woman waiting. Concern crossed her face as she saw him.

"Was ist mit deinem Kind passiert? Du siehst aus, als hätte dich jemand zerstört."

"Ja. Ich bin gerade krank aufgewacht. Ich sollte jetzt gut sein."

He picked up her mail and started going through it with her. She eyed him as they went through it and went inside. He then continued on with the day. Everyone noticed the weakened spirit of the young boy and mostly used him for minor work. He was kinda sad that he couldn't get a lot. He was hoping to get enough for food. But he couldn't even finish the day without collapsing once. He was pulled in by a group of kids to avoid the large crowd that rampaged the street. He wheezed heavily as the kids watched the crowd. The lead kid sighed as the crowd passed. He turned to Blake briefly before turning to the street.

"Entschuldigen Sie?" The kids looked up to see a familiar face.

"gnädige Frau Whitley!" They bowed quickly. She smiled and noticed Blake. She went over to him and touched his shoulder. He shifted a little. She turned to the kids.

"Was ist mit ihm passiert?"

"Wir wissen es nicht. Er ist seit heute Morgen so." She eyed Blake calmly before gulping.

"Lass mich für einen Moment." The kids nodded before bolting off. She looked Blake over before shaking him awake. His eyes drifted up to meet hers.

"gnädige Frau Whitley?" She smiled faintly.

"Hello Blake. What happened?" He shook his head, indicating that he had no answer. "May I ask something important?"

"Yes." He said with a hint of strength.

"Will you go with me to the Moonshard Festival?" His eyes widened at her words.

"Isn't that for people in the high class?" She giggled at his question. His head lowered at the realization of it.

"Not with the information I have." His eyes met hers again. "I need this, Blake. Or else I'll have to marry Oberfeldwebel Black!" His eyes widened. She knew she had grabbed his attention when she said that. He had remembered yesterday.

"Why? That doesn't seem fair!" She smiled as she held out her hand.

"Are you in?" He paused before taking her hand and nodding. She smiled and helped him up. "I'm not expecting you to dress up as this festival isn't for that purpose. But I would neaten your outfit up a little." She smiled before leaning in and whispering. "Thank you."

She then teleported away. He gulped before heading home. His father embraced him with open arms as he stumbled in.

"Vater ... kannst du bitte loslassen?" His dad paused before releasing him.

"My bad... I heard about the rampage and got nervous. How are you doing?" Blake just nodded as he went over to the couch and collapsed. His dad helped him get comfortable. "Someone got you a present." Blake watched as his dad went over to a box. "Apparently the whole town pitched in to get this for you."

"Really?" Blake's voice dropped to a whisper. His dad glanced back as he brought the box over. He set it down and helped Blake sit up. He opened the box and something jumped out.

 He opened the box and something jumped out

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"Aw..." Blake mumbled softly as he petted it. It purred under his hand.

"Yep. The Town noticed that you were struggling on your own and decided to get you a friend," Blake trembled as he thought of the town.

"Wow..." He leaned over and fell asleep against his father's shoulder. His dad smiled as he picked him up and carried him to his room. He laid Blake down and left for the night.

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