4 years of pain(Akiko)

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This is 4 years after the last (Akiko) chapter Akiko is now 7. This chapter takes place 2 days before she meets Mizuki who is 14

It has been four years since I started learning to control my monster-like powers. At night I'm forced to fight the monsters. The power is hard to control, but I have learned.

"Are you ready?"

"I-I think so.."

"Speak up!"


I opened my eyes. I was sitting crossed legged on the floor. The grey walls held doors upon doors. The doors have tripled in size since I began. Tonight Ten Tails was going to make me go into tailed beast mode for two minuets. Right now it is hard to stay in Jinjruki form one, as he calls it, for more than 40 seconds. But that time is enough to take away my chakra and kill all the monsters. I started as only being able to throw the power he "lent" me but now I can focus it into my chakra network, and go into Tailed Beast Mode. I turn my head and see the doors creep open, the bright red eyes staring infront of me. I start to sweat as I stare into their eyes. I know they will die, but I still fear them. The door slams onto the wall and the monsters, as dark as the night sky, come out making gruesome noises and slithering and crawling to form a circle around me. "Kill them slowly. Remember how you crush their skulls into pieces. Know the screams that come out of their mouths. Feast on their souls!!" Than with the end of the war speech the creatures come to me.
I stand up slowly, the fear taking over me slowly subsiding. I thrust my hands in front of me, and start to focase my chakra into the palms of my hands. I feel his power starting to seep into my veins, the power ripping my arteries and my heart screeching in pain. Than my eyes get a bit blurry and my body starts moving on its own. I fight to regain consciousness as I see my small hands ribbing limbs off of the creatures, and crushing their skulls into millions of pieces, I start to see clearly taking back control. I spin around, getting a good look at the monsters for the first time. Bodies coated the floor, but many still stood. "I can't do this." I whisper to myself, but force my body back into tailed beast mode. My skin turning the same color as the creatures and my hair depletes the coloring of my lavender locks to a solid blood red color.
Than I speed through the crowds kicking and punching the creatures. I was in full control of my actions, I was able to stop if I wanted. But I didn't. I still killed them. I still crushed their skulls and let their blood gush onto my skin. I jumped up than kicked another creature in the left temple, sending him flying. I looked around my eyes widening at all the limp body's under my feet. How could I do this? Why don't I feel anything? How can I not feel bad? I looked at my hands falling to my feet releasing the jinjruki power. "Not bad little girl! You are on your way to master form one!! Soon, very soon you will go into form one in the real world! And trust me. It won't be as easy as it is now!!!" The voice screamed. "F-form o-one? R-real world? H-harder? H-how can this be? I-I don't want to hurt anyone..." I said in a small voice eyes wide looking at my blood stained hands. "Good morning little girl." The voice said with a horrible sound to it as if it was beside a rotting carcass.


My eyes opened suddenly looking around my room. I sat up my bunny stuffed animal slipping off my bed and onto the floor.
I wipe some black goo off my face and and stare at it on my hand. I hear the door squeeze open and I look up a little to see Nikito coming into my room. "Hey Akiko-chan how are you?" He said softly walking over and picking up the bunny and putting her on my bed. "You want something to eat?" He said sitting on my bed. I nodded my head. Nikito picked me up taking me to our kitchen. "Cereal?" He said opening the refrigerator to get milk.
"Yes please." I said putting my arms on the table and laying my head on them. Nikito payed a bowl of cereal next to me head than say down across from me with another bowl in front of him. I sat up piling up the spoon and starting to eat it. "Is Mom and Dad up?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Up and already left. You should know their schedule by now." Nikito said taking a few bits of cereal. I slumped down into my seat a bit, playing with my food.
"You need to eat. I think Mom said you could go on a mission with us today if your interested." he said with a know-it-all smirk on his face, "Well, you wouldn't be able to come unless-" he looked at my cereal than at me, and smiled, "All the food in that bowl is in your stomach." I sat up quickly not wanting to get left behind again. Nikito laughed at my efforts, but said nothing and ate. "Done!" I said a little too exited, pushing the now empty bowl away from me. "Can I go now?!" I said standing on my chair.
"Of corse. Why don't you go put some fresh cloths on, than let's wake up Majata together." I nodded my head, jumping off the chair and darting out the kitchen door and into the hallway. I tip-towed past Majata's door so I wouldn't wake her, than ran full blast again, the floor boards crying as I ran down the halls. I turned one last time and slammed the door to my room oped with a bang. I didn't even close the door, I went strait to my dresser and got out my clothes than went to the bathroom. I put my red and blue hair in two lose braids and let my bangs lay in front of my eyes, only one showing. I walked out of the bathroom, with my pajamas on my arm, and new cloths on. I had black tights that formed into shoes and bandages on my lower arms. I had on a knee length dress/shirt that was light pink with red blood stains on it. I ran back down the hallway, making sure the whole village knew I was up. The door to the kitchen was still open from when I ran out, and Nikito was there in his cloak. He never clasped it for some reason. but let his black muscle shirt that he wore underneath show. "You ready?" He said walking up to me and putting his hand on my head. I looked up at him and nodded my head in excitement.
"Than let us wake the beast!" Nikito picked me up and we walked down the long hallway. He put his finger to his lips as we neared Majaya-nays room. "Ready?" He whispered.
"Ready!" I whispered back. We entered her room, her loud snoring echoing through ought the room. Nikito picked me up and tossed me on top of her. "Good morning sleepyhead!!!" I yelled when I saw her eyes opening. Her purplish blue hair was all over the pillow.
"Huh? Oh hi Akiko. What-" she yawned, "time is it?" She asked, propping herself up on her elbows. "Time to wake up and go on a mission!!" I chirped cheerfully, bouncing up and down on her bed. "Give me a few minuets to change and we can go ok?" She said, slowly getting out of her bed. I jumped off her bed, and ran out the door Nikito at my heels, shaking his head. "Be out in ten. We have another today." He said, than shut the door.

~TIME SKIP 10 MIN!!!!!!!!~

We opened the door to Majata's room. I was on Nikitos shoulders. "Come on we need to g-" Majata was on the floor-dressed- asleep. "MAJATA! Wake up we need to leave!" Nikito half yelled half said annoyed. "Come on get up." he said sighing. "Uh huh sure..." She said getting up slowly. she walked to us. her hair was pulled back into a long pony tail with a flower on the side of it. She also wore a black cloak with red and white clouds. She ripped hers so it had no sleeves years ago, and it has been like that since. She wore black ninja shoes and jeans and a red tank under her cloak, but all you could see were the jeans. We all walked down the hall in utter silence. "So what's the mission?" Majata said sighing.
"If I said it comes from Dad, would you know?" Nikito replayed. I looked from him, to her in confusion. 'Huh?' I thought, what does Dad have to do with this.
"Let me guess than. Find and assassinate traitors?" Majata said not changing her tone of voice.

We took several turns before the rain veering down on the walls was visible. Nikito put me down, and Majata took my hand.
"You ready?" She asked me looking down, "You will have to hurt someone you know." I innerly shuddered, remembering what I was told last night by the ten tails. "Of corse. I would do anything Dad or Mom would have me do." I said looking at them. Their faces showed mixed emotions; Pride, sorrow, happiness, and anger.
"We will be with you all the way than." Nikito said putting his hand on my head. "Come on." He said. I nodded my head, and we left, jumping out of the building into the grey streets below.

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