Suspuicion (mizuki)

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Note that the last chapter was Akiko in the past before Mizuki's last chapter!! Don't get confused Akiko's last chapter was a back story of her past although the chapter before last was the future when Mizuki comes to the Akatsuki. This is after a week!! Yes we know this is all very confusing! It confused us too!!

It was an early morning the walls around my little room where grey and dull like the life was sucked out of them. A strong, strange power was filling my mind, I had no windows just a small candle which kept the underground base shining and bright. I sat up thinking about what I saw, I shook it off. A small girl like her can't hurt me. I walked to the desk with the candle and pulled on my gloves. I walked over to the nearest and smallest mirror in the room and looked at myself, then one thing came running back into my memory. There was so much I needed to know, my sister Mai was gone for almost 8 years now, and just now I finally see her. And the most important thing that came to my head was the little girls hair. Red. The bright color of fresh blood. I put my hand on the mirror. I saw that color. The long red hair flowing through the cherry blossom trees. The last time I felt her warm hands. And now I have someone who reminds me of her. I brushed away the tears.
I walked outside of my room and noticed Akiko standing outside of her room with some liquid on her hands. It was covering all her fingers up to her wrist. Once she caught me looking at her she let out a teardrop and ran out of her room in the opposite direction. I chased after her "Akiko come back!" I ran after her as she yelled back at me "No! Go away I don't want to hurt you!" I was now running for a while, my feet where killing me. It felt as if my lungs were on fire. It was killing me from inside. I was just about to give up, but I couldn't even though I really wanted to, my feet weren't stopping, stop. Stop please. I thought to myself until I finally felt that sudden relief when my feet stopped.
"Akiko?" I asked into the darkness.
"No. It's Majata. What are you doing here?" I walked closer to the voice. "I-I was looking for Akiko." I say, stuttering. Majata scares me almost more than her sister does. I don't know why, but she always feels so...un trustful when I'm around. Majata took a few steps closer, making me stumble back a bit. "Why do you follow my sister?" She says, getting closer, now fully emerged from the shadows. I can see how she is Akiko's sister, she looks like an older version of the little redhead, but with blue hair. Within a moment she is next to me. I gasp a bit, "I-um. " I look through my thoughts. Why do I? "I don't know." I say trailing off realizing how, I really don't know. How it's more instinct than anything else. In one swift motion, she slams me against the wall, whipping a kunai out and putting it to my neck. "I will ask once more, why do you follow my sister? Chose how you answer wisely because it will determine wether I kill you or not." She says threw clenched teeth.
"I told you! I don't know, I just, I just feel like she needs someone to talk to, and-I don't know, I just want to talk to her." I scream out, surprising myself with this new piece of information. She pulls back her kunai from my neak, and retract it into a ninja pouch behind her back. "If I see you close to her again-"

"Majata. Let my sister go." Mai. I look over, excitement in my eyes to see my sister. I see her in the hall, only 5 feet from us, looking like she is about to fight. "Mai. You still might not be aware, but even if you don't think your sister is a threat, I do. and I will tell you now. If I find out that ether of you knows something that I don't, Mai. I will kill her. And if you get to involved. I will kill you too." I look at Majata with a look of hoar. She can't hurt her! No way is she that strong!!
"Ohh and one more thing Majata. I don't care how strong you are, I will crush you if you ever lay a finger on my sister." Mai says.
"Hah. I would like to see you try." Majata says disappearing into a room. "Are you ok?" Mai says looking at me with a look of relief. "Why did she go in so suddenly?" I ask Mai what was on my mind. "Didn't you hear Akiko screaming?" I look at her for a second in confusion, than realize that I did. The entire time. I heard everyone of the blood curtailing, I just thought they were mine.

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