Chapter 7

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Trigger warning: Character death, blood, violence.

Also little pole before you read for you guys since Lyla and Thomas aren't technically blood relatives Thomas could potentionally be Lyla's mate. I haven't decided if I want to do that or not. What do you guys think of that? Is that something you would like to see?

The next few days passed by uneventfully Roman and Virgil’s arguments had calmed down. Virgil seemed to finally relax about Thomas. At least enough to not argue with Roman about it anymore and not panic anytime he got a little scrape or bruise. 

“Look daddy at what I drew!” Thomas said, holding up a picture to Roman. 

Roman glanced up from his own coloring page, “Oh what a magnificent…. Uh frog?” Roman said making the best guess he could. 

Thomas lower lip quivers as he pouts. “It's not a frog… it’s you daddy.” 

Virgil who was quietly coloring on his own page suddenly erupts in a roar of laughter. “Yeah come on Roman. That is obviously you!” Thomas lit up at the confirmation from his other dad. 

“See daddy, papa gets it!” Thomas said setting his drawing of Roman to the side and starting a new page. 

Virgil and Roman looked at each other smiling before looking back at their own drawings. A few minutes later they heard someone skipping down the hallway heading their way. 

Roman and Virgil perked up their heads to see Lyla skipping into the room. “Hiya!” Lyla said as she slid up to the table. “Ooooo you’re coloring! Can I join you!” 

“Why of course princess!” Roman stated getting her some paper and crayons of her own to color with. She immediately sat to work coloring to her heart's content, her tongue poking out a little bit at the side of her mouth as she worked. 

“Look papa and daddy at what I drew this time!” Thomas said, holding up his picture again. 

Roman and Virgil didn’t even have to guess this time. This drawing was clearly a family portrait. They could tell cause Thomas had valiantly tried to spell everyone's names underneath each little stick figure. The whole pack was present. Virgil smiled brightly and puffed his chest out with pride.

“That drawing is amazing starlight!” Virgil stated. Thomas smiled brightly. “How about we hang that one up?” Thomas nodded vigorously and hopped off his stool running over to the wall where all his drawings go.

“Can I do it this time?” Thomas asked looking up at his dad as he walked over.

“Sure.” Virgil grabbed a piece of tap and handed it to Thomas. Thomas carefully put the tape on his picture like he had seen both of his dads do many times before. Then he attempted to put it on the wall as even as possible. Unfortunately despite his best effort it was still crooked when he was done with it, but he smiled and stood up tall when he was done facing his dad.

Virgil smiled and knelt down ruffling his son's hair. 



It was late that night when Thomas was awoken once again to a poke to his cheek. He smiled and flipped off his blanket. This had become a nightly routine. Lyla was standing there smiling brightly at him. 

“Ya ready?” She asked. Thomas nodded and followed her out of the room. They quietly made their way out of the house heading for their playhouse. They ran through the woods quickly making it to their destination. They flopped into their bean bag chairs and just relaxed. 

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