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As the last rays of the sun finally settled over the horizon, the figure of a young Hylian came paragliding down from Shatterback Point. Sidon didn't need to see them to know who it was, already beginning to make his way down one half of the grand staircase toward the descending form.

He gave a small wave in greeting as Link touched down onto the luminous stone flooring of the domain, already having brainstormed how he was going to settle the man down for a talk. While he didn't particularly enjoy stepping into other people's personal matters, he was a prince—and that meant doing his best to solve the conflict in any situation.

Sidon approached calmly, trying to offer a polite smile to soothe the champion.

"It is good to see you, my friend. I apologize that I did not come to see you earlier this morning so that we might have had a chance to chat a bit before you went out for the day. I hope I won't be interrupting any plans of yours by asking, but could I bother you to come and have a discussion with me?"

He gave an overly kind smile, and though there was hesitation on Link's face, the Hylian nodded, unable to refuse the prince's request. Sidon beamed genuinely, clapping a light hand onto the other's smaller shoulder, before gesturing for him to follow.

"Come! We can have a meal while we talk. I'm sure you must be hungry from being out all day," he enticed further, and if Link had been hesitant before, the promise of food made a glint of interest alight in his eyes.

They made their way into the private quarters of the throne room in relative silence, Link trailing a few paces behind Sidon as they walked. The Zora wasn't concerned about the knight running off behind him, trusting his virtue enough to know that he would still be there if he looked back.

One of the court's servants had already laid out a meal for them, with some fine-cut raw fish on one side, and rice and grilled fish for Link on the other. Sidon took a seat and gestured for Link to follow.

He allowed the knight some time to enjoy the meal, taking a few bites of the dishes himself, before he finally felt it was a good opportunity to speak up.

"So, Link," he started, and fixed all of his attention onto the Hylian. "[Y/n]. I believe I may be in need of some catching up here. Last I saw you, you were traveling alone. And, while I am always beyond glad to have you as my guest in the domain... I am no fool, and even I can see that there are tensions between the two of you. I believe it would be best to settle things before they get worse, no?"

The silence that filled the room was almost deafening, and Sidon would almost have regretted even bringing it up were it not for the memory of [y/n]'s state when he had left her earlier in the afternoon. While he had only known the girl for a brief period of time, he could tell that she was in desperate need of people to rely on, and he had already begun to grow fond of her.

That fondness meant wanting to keep her from distress, even if it was his champion friend causing it.

Sidon kept his attention focused on Link, whose shoulders were rigid as he sat. Eventually, though, Link took in a small breath, gaze unwavering from the almost cleared platter in front of himself.

"I... I didn't protect her."

Ah. Guilt.

The Zora prince cocked his head to the side as an encouragement to keep going, hands folded neatly on top of the table.

"When we were on our way here, we... I let us get attacked by two Yiga. I was doing my best to hold them both off, but, one of them... " Link's brow furrowed in frustration, and he huffed softly as he pressed the heel of one of his palms against an eye. "I should have seen it coming. I promised her I would protect her, and I couldn't..."

Sidon nodded his head along with Link's explanation in understanding, making a mental note to increase patrols along the Zora River to make sure the Yiga couldn't come so far up the path. Link's frustration made sense.

Considering Link's past with... well, just his past in general, Sidon could fully understand why LInk would place the burden of [y/n]'s wellbeing so heavily on his own shoulders, and why he was feeling so much anger toward himself for her having been injured.

Sidon let out a soft sigh and reached across the table to try and extend some compassion toward the knight.

"My friend... No matter the extent of your efforts, the people around you will always fall in the line of danger. It is simply one of the consequences of living. I understand, really and truly, how much it matters to you to be able to protect those who are close to you. And I understand, as well, that it must be terrifying to have someone new to protect."

Link's gaze flicked up to meet his own, and for a moment, Sidon felt himself aching at the pain that shone in those blue eyes.

"Just as well, though—don't you think that [y/n] wants to protect you? You would be willing to put your own life on the line to protect those you care about, as you have done before. So then, shouldn't you be able to empathize with [y/n] and know that she would do the same for you? If you two are traveling together, then it is both of your responsibility to protect each other. That burden should not fall solely on your own shoulders."

The Hylian looked as though he wanted to interject, though an expression of shame flashed over his features. Sidon looked kindly at him, giving his shoulder another pat.

"I understand why you are feeling the way that you are, and that your neglect of [y/n] is more of punishment towards yourself, yes? But, [y/n] doesn't know that. Because of how you have been ignoring her, she thinks that she did something wrong, and is now blaming herself. I know that you don't want to see her get hurt, my friend—but don't you see that the way you are neglecting her now is hurting her more than anything?"

If Link looked ashamed before, he looked downright disgusted at himself now. Sidon restrained a grimace—that was not the effect he wanted his words to have. He clapped his hand hard now onto Link's back, effectively jolting him out of whatever downward spiral of thoughts he was having.

"Just go apologize to her! Explain why you acted the way you did, and apologize. And, something leads me to think it wouldn't hurt if you brought a gift to make it up to her as well," Sidon suggested, and the knight seemed to genuinely consider these words now.

The blond sighed, nodding slightly to himself, and Sidon felt relief as Link finally began to relax a little. The harsh line of his shoulders had smoothed just slightly, and that was good enough for Sidon.

After a moment of hesitation, Link brought himself to his feet and placed his own hand over Sidon's own in a gesture of gratitude.

"I... Thank you, Sidon. I'm going to try to fix this."

Sidon beamed at this statement and gave the knight an optimistic thumbs up.

It was out of his hands now--but he was certain the two Hylians would come to an understanding.

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