-Chapter 21-

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-Two months later-


It was a new beginning. A new year past the eventful and impactful one they had experienced. A new possibility of reason, trust, hope. A new year to experience things in different ways and a new year for growth. But with their never-ending story, they still had a long way to go.

The day was January 20th. It was a cold Wednesday afternoon on the outskirts of Michigan, and Precious was sat on a bench outside her College as she watched cars pass by.

This day last year was when she had saved Chris' life. When she had drove out for groceries late in the evening and spotted him sat on a bench in the pouring rain with his head hung low, she had to know more. She was intrigued with how still he sat, despite the heavy rain, but when she got out of her car to walk over to him, she never expected to see the gun he grasped in his hand. They had known each other almost all their lives and were far from friends. Their existence never mattered to each other, but as she watched him slowly hold the gun up to his head, she remembered how millions of thoughts ran through her mind at that very moment.

This was Christopher Dalton- she remembered thinking. He was the most popular and smartest guy at their High School. Everybody knew and adored him. He was captain of the football team, he had a gorgeous girlfriend, lots of friends who followed him around like a posse, and not to mention that he had rich parents and lived in a big mansion. He had the life everybody wanted, so she couldn't comprehend why he held a gun up to his head about to take his own life.

The truth is she would've never walked away even if she really wanted to. There was something, stronger than she's ever felt before that pushed her to step in-front of him and take the gun out his hands, and even till this day she couldn't explain what it was. She had remembered how she had placed an umbrella over his head and watched him cry before she invited him back to her and her Grandma's apartment and over the weekend that he stayed there with them, she had gotten to understand him a lot better and also gotten to understand why he did what he did. Despite his cover up smiles, his snarky sentences, how well he pretended around her grandma, she had always been able to see right through him and hm through her.

After that she never would've guessed in a millions years what was to come of them. She never expected them to fall in love so intensely in the way they did, have a relationship so memorable and unforgettable and then for it to come to an end so soon. Even though they were apart for most of last year, they spent their time constantly missing each other, despite both of their horrible break-ups which were both his fault. What they went through in a year is what most people experience in a lifetime. It wasn't an easy ride, nowhere close, and there were so many times where they desperately wished to just give up to save themselves from the constant pain and heartbreak they give to each other, but that would be mere impossible. He's Christopher Dalton and she's Precious Lawson, and in some twisted fate of things, it meant that they were always bound to be linked one way or another.

As the cold wind blew in her direction, Precious removed her earphones and turned of the music she was listening to as she began to think about all that's happened in these past two months, starting with her and Ian.



November 21st-- Two months ago:

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