-Chapter 25-

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It was an early Friday afternoon in mid February and Precious and her friend Gabrielle were strolling through their campus.

A few weeks had passed since Precious had left New York after her talk with Chris. During the plane ride home she couldn't help but think about everything they spoke up for almost five hours. When they were in a relationship they would sit and talk for that long, they would talk about anything and everything which was why they knew each other so well more than anybody and their selves, but with everything that had happened with them in the past year, she thought that they wouldn't be able to talk, she thought due to their unexpectedness they wouldn't be able to communicate the way they used to, but the day had a different turn around from what she had initially expected.

They spoke on the phone everyday since then. Despite him being busy with work, helping Valentina take care of the baby and spending time with his mom, he still found time for her at the end of the day and she found the time for him too. Chris was a very passionate person and known for putting his feelings out there, especially when he was frustrated, but she noticed how he often held back from saying certain things to her and she knew it was out of respect for her relationship. She knew that he was still crazy about her, but he respected her and loved her enough to do like he had promised, even though it took a lot of self-control. A friendship between them was something she never thought they could establish and see through, but he made it happen and after everything that had happened between them the past year, they were grateful to be in each other's lives without any more hostility or hurt from their painful time apart. 

Moments later, she glanced down at a picture he had sent her earlier of him, Valentina and Raphael. She snickered quietly at the funny expression he plastered across his face; slowly running her thumb across the screen.

One thing she had started to admire about him over the past couple weeks was how much strength he's grew within himself. A year ago when his dad had passed, he was like a ticking time bomb unable to control himself till he finally exploded in the end. He destroyed all of the relationships around him and did some hurting in the process which left a long lasting effect, but now it was different. His mom was slowly losing herself with each passing day and he managed to keep himself together and be there, not only for her but for the people around him too. Whenever she would hear him laugh over the phone or see his smile through pictures it made her heart warm , especially knowing his history of deep depression he suffered through. She wanted to be there for him too just like he had been for her these past few weeks, because although it seemed like he had everything handled on the outside, she knew he had nobody to really take care of him as he was the one mostly doing the taking care of and she also knew how much he was suffering with having to prepare to say goodbye to his mother soon after they had gotten so unbelievably close.

"What are you smiling at?" Gabrielle spoke up as they strolled side by side.

"Just something" she replied briefly. She stuffed her phone back inside her denim jacket and pushed her head back to glance up at the sun, slowly peaking through the grey clouds

"So anyway where did you go this morning after class? did you ditch me for James again?" Gabrielle questioned, rolling her eyes away.

Precious flickered her eyes up to face her, before speaking up. "I went to go get frozen yogurt with two of my other friends, I texted you, didn't you get it? and James had basketball practice after class this morning" she stated. "And I've never ditched you for James, Gab, I'm not the kinda of person to ditch their friends for their boyfriend... you just cancel on me all the time now because of Will. I still can't believe you got back together with him".

"He's a good guy, you don't know him" she sneered, running her fingers through her long braids.

"He left you out in the cold cause you wouldn't have a threesome with him and some random girl, and then insulted you... he's anything but a good guy, he's toxic, disrespectful and bad for you" she responded, arching her brow up.

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